Workshop Overview/Book of abstracts

This page contains a list of all the workshops/sessions which will be held during the ESP8 conference. By clicking the workshop/session the book of abstracts will appear. 

The workshops are clustered according to the ESP Working Groups: Biome (B), Thematic (T) and Sectoral (S) Working Groups. Also, Special sessions/Ateliers (O) will be held.

B. Biome Working Group Workshops

O. Special Sessions/Ateliers

S. Sectoral Working Group Workshops

T. Thematic Working Group Workshops

The numbers in the workshop ID's correspond to the sub-groups within the Workings Groups.


B. Biome Working Group Workshops

B1 - L. Pendleton - Marine and coastal ecosystem services: improving science and influencing decision-making (Tuesday 10 Nov., 10:00-16:45/ Thursday 12 Nov., 10:00 - 12:30)

B2 - S. v.d. Meulen - The role of mapping and quantification of ES in river restoration, lake restoration and groundwater resources management (Monday 9 Nov., 13:30-15:30)

B3 - S. Luque - Multifunctional forest landscapes & Adapting Management and governance: The challenge to sustain multiple goods and services to mitigate climate change (Thursday 12 Nov., 13:30-16:45)

B4 - A. Castro - Ecosystem services in drylands across the world: current knowledge and future research agenda (Thursday 12 Nov., 10:00 - 12:30)

B5 - I. Geijzendorfer - Ecosystem services assessment in a Mediterranean context: challenges, methods, facts, solutions (Tuesday 10 Nov., 10:00 - 12:30) 

B7 - L. Willemen - Boosting ecosystem services in rural landscapes: perspectives on actions and evidence (Tuesday 10 Nov., 10:00 - 12:30/13:30 - 16:45) 

B8 - T. McPhearson - Urban Ecosystem Services: Approaches, Tools, and Frameworks for Dealing with Urban Complexity (Tuesday 10 Nov., 10:00 - 12:30/13:30 - 16:45)


O.  Special Sessions/Ateliers

O3 - CLOSED - P. Wood - Telling Stories, Changing Policy: How We Can Bring Ecosystem Services From Idea To Action (Monday 9 Nov., 13:30 - 15:15)

O4 - CLOSED - N. Larondelle - Let’s go local! – an open platform for mutual learning using a local case to address management challenges (Thursday 12 Nov., 10:00 - 12:30)

O5 - C. Bidaud - Ignite Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation with new approaches (Monday 9 Nov., 13:30 - 15:15)

O6 - W. Olivier - Biodiversity Stewardship in South Africa (Tuesday 10 Nov., 13:30 - 16:45)

O7 - CLOSED - F. Casey - The State and Practice of Applying an Ecosystem Services Framework to Federal Natural Resource Management Decisions in the United States (Monday 9 Nov., 13:30 - 15:15)

O8 - CLOSED - S. Hussain - TEEB areas of work and global/regional results and challenges / TEEB country studies with special attention to the African continent (Monday 9 Nov., 13:30 - 15:15)

O9 - CLOSED - P. Campos - Finding strong and useful arguments – building bridges between research, politics and practice (for ESAV) (Tuesday 10 Nov., 13:30 - 16:45)

O10 - B. Chaplin-Kramer - Pathways to impact for ecosystem services in decisions (Tuesday 10 Nov., 10:00 - 12:30)

O11 - T. v.d. Sluis - Making IPBES work for stakeholders (Monday 9 Nov., 13:30 - 15:15)

O12 - Living Lands - Three South African Case studies: Collaborations between business and civil society on restoring water catchments (Monday, 9. Nov, 13:30 - 15:15)

O0 - Cross cutting issues: use of ES to achieve development goals, sustainable tourism and environmental markets (Tuesday 10. Nov., 13:30-16:45)


T. Thematic Working Group Workshops

T2 - E. Barrios - Plant-soil feedbacks and adaptation to climate change (Monday 9 Nov., 13:30 - 15:15)

T3 - CLOSED - P. Balvanera - Essential Ecosystem Variables (Tuesday 10 Nov., 10:00 - 12:30)

T4a - J. Maes - New techniques for mapping ecosystem services: solutions for instant use and direct application (Thursday 12 Nov., 10:00 - 12:30/13:30 - 16:45)

T4b - N. Crossman - Modeling and mapping ecosystem service capacity, flow and demand with data of varying quantity and quality (Tuesday 10 Nov., 13:30 - 16:45/ Thursday 12 Nov., 13:30 - 16:45)

T5 - R. Alkemade - Modeling and scenario’s of ecosystem services for policy support and decision making (Thursday 12 Nov., 10:00 - 12:30/13:30 - 16:45)

T6 - S. Jacobs - Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services in science-policy-practice (Thursday 12 Nov., 10:00 - 12:30/13:30 - 16:45) 

T7 - I. Liekens - Use of ES in trade-off assessment tools and other DSS (Tuesday 10 Nov., 10:00 - 12:30/ Thursday 12 Nov., 10:00 - 12:30)

T8 - F. Renaud - The role of ecosystem services in disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and sustainable development (Tuesday 10 Nov., 13:30 - 16:45)

T9 - C. Fuerst - Ecosystem services to connect spatial planning and impact assessment approaches (Tuesday 10 Nov., 13:30 - 16:45)

T10 - L. Beria - Co-investment approaches at the landscape scale (Tuesday 10 Nov., 13:30 - 16:45)

T11 - R. Portela - Ecosystem accounting: Advances, Lessons learned, and Implications for Decision-Making (Thursday 12 Nov., 13:30 - 16:45)

T12 - L. Loft - Governance of Ecosystem Services: Multiple actors at multiple levels of hybrid governance approaches – Who is in and why? (Tuesday 10 Nov., 10:00 - 12:30)


Book of abstracts (Total)



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