Call for sessions
The Call for Sessions for ESP MENA conference 2021 is now open. We encourage active members within ESP Working Groups, Regional Chapters and National Networks to submit a session proposal. Also, non-ESP members working in the field of ecosystem services as academics, policy-makers or practitioners are very welcome to submit a session proposal.
After the closure of the session proposal submission date, the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) will review all proposals. The SPC will revert back regarding the acceptance of your proposal within one month after the closing date of the call.
As a session host, you will be asked to review abstracts submitted to your session and take on some other responsibilities involved with organising a session. You will be informed regarding these tasks at a later stage. If you are looking for others to submit a session with, we advise you to make use of the ESP online member platform and call for other interested delegates.
Please use this online ESP MENA session proposal form to submit your proposal. To complete the form, we require you to list co-hosts, other organisers (if applicable), a preliminary session title, contents of the session and desired aims and outcomes of the session. We welcome proposals written in English only. The deadline for session submission has been extended to 31 August 2020.
Thank you for your interest in organising a session during this conference!
Proceed to session submission

ESP MENA 2021conference@espconference.org
ESP MENA 2021ESP MENA 20210.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced