Poster session
Results are in: Best Posters at ESP LAC 2023
3rd place
Gabriela Mallea-Rebolledo, Universidad de Chile
Co-authors: Victor H. Marín Briano, Luisa E. Delgado Isasi
Poster title: Valoración Social y Ecológia de la Biodiversidad de Aves y Mamíferos Marinos en dos Localidades de la zona costera Norte de Chile
2nd place
Ana Catalina Copier Guerrero, Universidad de Chile
Co-authors: Luisa Delgado, Víctor H. Marín, Rodrigo Pardo, Gabriela Olivares, Paula Soto, Camila Viveros
Poster title: Sobre la falta de manejo integrado de la cuenca del río Maipo: resultados de un modelo DPSIR
1st place
Magaly Aldave, Centro transdiciplinario de estudios FES-Sistémicos
Co-author: Elizabeth Cárdenas-Quispe
Poster title: La voz de los niños en la conservación del humedal urbano y Sitio Ramsar Pantanos de Villa en Lima Metropolitana, Perú
Best Posters receive free publications at One Ecosystem
All posters were automatically enrolled in the election for the best ESP poster award. Conference participants could vote for the best poster via the conference app or the conference event platform. During the closing session on Thursday, the top three posters were awarded prizes from Pensoft Publishers. The winners were also awarded a free ESP membership for one year.
In a years-long tradition, One Ecosystem and the journal’s publisher, Pensoft, became part of an ESP conference by supporting active scientists who won their peers’ votes during the conference.
The authors of the three Best Posters at the conference each received a full waiver for a publication in One Ecosystem in recognition of their novel work and contribution to ecosystem health and sustainability. The awardees were selected based on the votes of the delegates submitted during the event via the conference app.
In addition, the 2nd and 1st place winners received a year of free ESP membership, and the 1st place winner received a full waiver of the fee for a future ESP conference of their choosing.
Similar awards have been handed to awardees at several ESP conferences in the past as part of the sponsorship provided by the journal’s publisher Pensoft, but this is the first time, the collaboration between ESP and the open-access scholarly publisher extends outside Europe. Both parties are motivated to make this into yet another tradition.
Find who won the Best Poster awards at last year’s 4th European conference on the One Ecosystem website.
The news comes shortly after we learnt that One Ecosystem has successfully completed the rigorous quality and integrity assessment at Web of Science. This means that One Ecosystem might see its very first Journal Impact Factor (JIF) as early as 2024. Meanwhile, scientific papers published in One Ecosystem from 2021 onwards are already being indexed at the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and the Journal Citation Reports (JCR).
We invite you to find more out about One Ecosystem, whose very roots lie in the Ecosystem Service Partnership, on the journal’s website. You can also follow One Ecosystem on Twitter and Facebook.
Amongst the unique features and advantages the open-access peer-reviewed journal provides to its authors are the long list of ‘unconventional’ scientific publications it welcomes on top of traditional research and review papers, and technologically advanced and highly automated data publishing workflows.
ESP LAC 2023
ESP LAC 2023conference@espconference.org
ESP LAC 2023ESP LAC 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced