Call for abstracts
Are you interested in presenting your work in one of the accepted conference sessions but missed the deadline? No worries, you still have an opportunity to submit your abstract until 31 July, 23:59 CLT.
The conference will be held in a hybrid format, allowing in-person and virtual participation. It will be held in person at La Serena in Chile and online from 6-10 November 2023. Whether you can travel to Chile or not, you can submit your abstracts to any session listed on the session overview page. The submission deadline was 15 July 2023.
***Please double-check the session format (hybrid or online). Online sessions will only allow virtual presentations in only one language.
Abstract submission
We encourage work that introduces new ideas, concepts and research and deepens understanding in the Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital fields.
Abstracts can only be submitted online through the abstract submission form. You will first be asked to create an 'author account' when you click on this link. Once you have created your account, you can submit your abstract. The author's account is needed for communication purposes.
In the abstract submission form, you can choose how you wish to give your presentation - either in-person or virtually. Also, for the purpose of translation arrangements, we ask you to select the language you want to present your abstract in and let us know if you speak or understand English or Spanish.
Abstracts are considered for oral and poster presentations. All abstracts will undergo peer review by the session hosts.
Proceed to abstract submission.
Please find more information and guideline below to get an idea of how to prepare your abstract.
Type of submission
There are three different types of contributions you can choose from within this system:
- Abstract: Please select a first and second session of your choice so we can forward your abstract to the session of your second choice in case the host of your preferred session rejects your abstract.
- Poster abstract: If you wish to submit an abstract that you would like to present as a poster during the conference, a separate poster session will be organised. In order to cluster the poster thematically, we ask you to select the session into which your poster fits best.
- Invited speaker abstract: If you were personally invited to present your abstract in the sessions: B3a, B10c, S3b, S8b, and T18c, and you would like your abstract to appear in the book of abstracts, please submit your abstract too. You will find these sessions in the section of sessions which only allows invited speakers.
Author Guidelines
We kindly request you to follow the following guidelines for your abstract submission (unless something different is specified in the session description of your preferred session):
- Document type: Word
- Text font: Verdana
- Font size: 10
- Maximum number of words: 300
- Maximum amount of keywords: 5
- Order of presented information:
- First or presenting author
- Other authors
- Primary affiliation
- Abstract title
- Abstract text (maximum 300 words)
- Keywords
The information you will upload will be used to review your abstract and eventually also to create the book of abstracts. Please make sure to submit your abstract carefully and check for typos in order to avoid those in the book of abstracts. Write down your name, surname, affiliation, etc., exactly as you would want them to appear on the official conference documents. It is possible to edit your information online before the submission deadline.
Proceed to abstract submission.
ESP LAC 2023
ESP LAC 2023conference@espconference.org
ESP LAC 2023ESP LAC 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced