Session Overview
Below you can find both the overview of all conference sessions and the Book of Abstracts per session. Please click the titles below to read the session descriptions. You can also view the session recordings and presentations below.
The sessions are clustered according to the ESP Working Groups structure: Biome (B), Sectoral (S) and Thematic (T) Working Groups. Also, the Regional chapter (R) and Other (O) sessions will be organised.
Links to the ESP Working Groups are included to show the linkages between the conference sessions and the ESP community in general.
- B1a - Compartiendo experiencias en la evaluación y valoración de los servicios ecosistémicos de los manglares en América Latina y el Caribe, G. Avila-Flores et al. Presentations & Recordings
- B1b - Mangle defender: Un juego para enfrentar las mudanzas climáticas con ayuda de los servicios ecosistémicos, P. A. C. Cortes et al. Recordings
- B2 - A review of the current state of the ecosystem services of wetlands in the Amazon region, D. A.Guarín Cifuentes, Recordings
- B3a - El verdadero valor del bosque: Diálogos y reflexión desde la perspectiva sudamericana, M. Saravia, Recordings
- B3b - Ecosystem services of forests in the face of climate change, A. Robert. Presentations & Recordings
- B8 - Operativización de los servicios ecosistémicos para la gestión de los ecosistemas de montaña, C. C. Caro Vera et al. Recordings
- B10a - Climate regulation of urban environments – From models to policies, D. La Rosa et al. Presentations & Recordings
- B10b - Research on urban ecosystem services. The state of the art and challenges for future research/La investigación sobre servicios ecosistémicos urbanos. Estado del arte y desafíos al futuro, L. Inostroza. Presentations & Recordings
- B10d - Ecosystem Services in and Beyond Cities, T. Gadda. Recordings
- S1b - Agri-environmental indicators of Brazil: Strategic intelligence for agricultural sustainability, based on the maintenance of Ecosystem Services, M. Simoes, et al. Recordings
- S3a - Fast-growing forest plantations: what kind of services and disservices?, A. Robert, Presentations & Recordings
- S3b - Climate, Biodiversity and Restoration. How to articulate them in the Forest Policy?, C. Dirac et al. Presentations & Recordings
- S6 - Making Nature Count: Applying monetary valuation data in (financial) decision-making contexts, V. van 't Hoff, et al. Presentations & Recordings
- S7 - Tourism as an ecosystem service - Challenges and opportunities for research and practice / El turismo como servicio ecosistémico - Retos y oportunidades para investigación y practica, S. Kulczyk, et al. Recordings
- S8a - ¿Cómo incorporar los servicios ecosistémicos en la planificación de la conservación?, M. J. M. Harms, et al. Recordings
- S8b - Soil ecosystem services (SES): bringing out of invisibility and supporting decision-making, R. Prado, Recordings
- S9a - Participatory approaches for sharing knowledge on ecosystem services to improve food and water securities in the face of climate change, A. Schuler et al. Recordings
- S9b - Experiencias de monitoreo comunitario participativo de biodiversidad y servicios ecosistémicos en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, A. R. Franco, et al. Recordings
- S9c - Towards developing effective PES mechanisms suiting Indigenous peoples and local communities, K. K. Sangha, Presentations & Recordings
- T1 - Evaluación participativa de servicios ecosistémicos: Herramientas para desarrollar un ejercicio transdisciplinario en el contexto latinoamericano / Participatory assessment of ecosystem services: Tools for a transdisciplinary exercise in Latin America., M. Torres Gómez & P. Bachmann-Vargas, Presentations & Recordings
- T2 - Pathways of the biodiversity-water-food-health- climate nexus in Latin America, A. P. Turetta, Recordings
- T4b - Using Ecosystem Services to prioritise conservation action, C. Canales-Cerro et al. Recordings
- T4c - Mapeo, análisis y modelamiento de beneficios de la naturaleza (servicios ecosistémicos y contribuciones de la naturaleza) a nivel local: vínculos urbano-rurales, S. Aranguren. Presentations & Recordings
- T5 - Servicios ecosistémicos FAIR para la reducción de riesgos y como eje para la gestión sostenible del terreno / FAIR ecosystem services accounting for risk reduction and ES as a basis for sustainable land management, C. Aznarez et al. Presentations & Recordings
- T6a - Valoración plural de la biodiversidad, A. R. Ruiz et al. Presentations & Recordings
- T6b - Valuación económica de la pérdida de servicios ambientales de ecosistemas costeros bajo un contexto de incremento del nivel del mar, R. A. Canul Turriza, et al.
- T7a - Improving data on monetary values of ecosystem services: The ESVD in a global, Latin America and Caribbean context, D. de Groot, et al. Presentations & Recordings
- T7b - Proyecciones y desafíos futuros de la valoración socio-económica de los servicios ecosistémicos culturales en Latinoamérica, L. E. Delgado, et al. Presentations & Recordings
- T8 - Understanding Cultural Ecosystem Services, J. Hermes, Presentations & Recordings
- T9a - Desafíos y visiones de los beneficios de los bosques urbanos y periurbanos en el bienestar social y salud pública, G. Perez-Verdin et al. Recordings
- T9b - Food security in Wet Tropical Forests: an ecosystem services approach, M. Canova, et al. Presentations & Recordings
- T14 - Integrating Nature-based solutions in spatial planning for tackling climate change and biodiversity loss in Latin American urban and peri-urban contexts, D. A. R. Vasquez, et al. Presentations & Recordings
- T15 - Social vulnerabilities and Ecosystem Services: an emerging issue, R. Castro-Díaz et al. Presentations & Recordings
- T16 - From Science to Practice: A pragmatic guide to verifying and financing positive impacts on ecosystem services, W. Snell et al. Presentations & Recordings
- T18a - Bridging Ecosystem Services and Policy Design: Coproducing in the interface of science and practice, P. Ruggiero et al. Presentations & Recordings
- T18c - Quantification and Valuation of ecosystem services: pathway to connect research and public policies in Latin America, A. P. Turetta et al. Presentations
- T18d - Towards a certification and labelling scheme based on the ecosystem services approach, A. Altmann, Recordings
- T18e - Servicios ecosistémicos en la toma de decisiones: ¿su aplicación ha promovido cambios en la política ambiental chilena?, A. J. Allendes et al. Recordings
- T20 - Equity and justice perspectives from Latin America, F. Benra et al. Presentations & Recordings
- R1 - El enfoque socioecológico para el monitoreo comunitario participativo de servicios ecosistémicos: balance de experiencias en Latinoamérica, A. Saldaña-Espejel et al. Recordings
- R2 - Viendo el pasado para proyectar el futuro: servicios ecosistémicos en y desde el enfoque de trayectorias socioecológicas en Latinoamérica, M. Perevochtchikova et al. Recordings
- O1 - Young Ecosystem Services Specialists Network (YESS-ESP): Experiencias desde Latinoamérica y el Caribe, A. R. Franco et al. Recordings
- O2 - Ecosystem services and human well-being in Latin America: a relationship or an assumption?/ Servicios ecosistémicos y bienestar humano en América Latina: una relación o un supuesto?, V. H. Marin et al. Presentations & Recordings
- O3 - Emerging issues in ES science, policy & practice, Presentations & Recordings
ESP LAC 2023
ESP LAC 2023conference@espconference.org
ESP LAC 2023ESP LAC 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced