All presentations from the conference (plenaries, workshops and keynotes) are now available online for viewing and download!
You can find them in PDF format by clicking on the links below.
Embrapa Research Network on Ecosystem Services in Brazil (E. Fidalgo)
B3 Wetlands ecosystem services
B4 Ecosystem services in the context of the Colombian and Peruvian Amazon basin
B6 Mountain ecosystem services
B7 Ecosystem services in rural settings
B8 Ecosystem services in urban landscapes
Sectoral Working Group Sessions
S2 Ecosystem service in Rural landscapes in Brazil
S3 What drives landowners to modify their productive practices and conserve their forests?
S5 Incorporating Natural Capital in Sustainable Development
Thematic Working Group Sessions
T4 Mapping and modeling ecosystem services: Comparing methods
T6 Integrated valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services
T14 Scenarios: a tool for planning and governance of biodiversity and ecosystem services
T15 Contribution of ecosystem services to well-being of rural poor in Latin America
T16 Advances and bottlenecks in the implementation of PES schemes for water and carbon-related ES
T18 Policy and institutional analysis to understand trade-off in Ecosystem Services provision
O1 Ecosystem services and the goals of sustainable development (ODS): Antagonisms or synergies?
ESP Latin America
Martine van
Martine van Weeldenconference@es-partnership.org
ESP Latin AmericaESP Latin America0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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