Traducción Español


The conference is jointly organised by CIAT (International Center for Tropical Agriculture), IaVH (Instituto Humboldt- Colombia), EMBRAPA and ESP (Ecosystem Services Parnership).




Ecosystem Services Partnership

The ES-Partnership aims to enhance communication, coordination and cooperation, and to build a strong network of individuals and organizations. ES-Partnership enhances and encourages a diversity of approaches, while reducing unnecessary duplication of effort in the conceptualization and application of ecosystem services. By raising the profile of ecosystem services and promoting better practice, the ES-Partnership will also increase o pportunities for financial support and help focus the funding of individual organizations for more efficient utilization of existing funds.

The Ecosystem Services Partnership (ES-Partnership) was launched in 2008 by the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics (University of Vermont, USA) and is now being coordinated by the Environmental Systems Analysis Group (Wageningen University, the Netherlands), supported by the Foundation for Sustainable Development (Wageningen, The Netherlands). The ES-Partnership consists of institutional and individual members. The Partnership has a specified governance structure and Executive committee.

ESP Conference

Since 2008 ESP has organised several conference about ecosystem services. This conference is organised by a joint effort of the Conference Organising Committee and the Local Organising Committe.

Please check the contact page to get in touch with them.

The following conferences have been organised previously:

2015 - Ecosystem Services for Nature, People and Prosperity Stellenbosch, South Africa

2014 ‐ Local Action for the common good  San José, Costa Rica

2013 ‐ Making ecosystem services count! Bali, Indonesia

2012 ‐ Ecosystem Services Come of Age Portland, USA

2011 ‐ Ecosystem Services: Integrating Science and Practice Wageningen, Netherlands

2010 ‐ Solutions for Sustaining Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services Kiel, Germany

2009 ‐ Modelling Ecosystem Services Lecce, Italy

2008‐ Solution for problems or a problem that needs solution? Kiel, Germany

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