Traducción Español

Book of abstracts

This page contains a list of all the workshops/sessions which will be held during the LA ESP conference. By clicking the workshop/session the book of abstracts will appear. 

The workshops are clustered according to the ESP Working Groups: Biome (B), Thematic (T) and Sectoral (S) Working Groups. Also, Special sessions/Ateliers (O) will be held.


B. Biome Working Group Sessions

S. Sectoral Working Group Sessions

T. Thematic Working Group Sessions

O. Open and Special Sessions


The numbers in the workshop ID's correspond to the sub-groups within the ESP Workings Groups.


B. Biome Working Group Sessions

1. Ecosystem services and sustainable territorial development in marine and coastal areas: opportunities and challenges for the good life. Tuesday, 18 October (14:00-16:00)

2. Coastal Marine Ecosystem Services: A scope from MESP in Latin America and the use for decision making. Wednesday, 19 October (11:00-13:00)

3. Wetlands ecosystem services. Friday, 21 October (11:00-13:00)

4. Ecosystem services in the context of the Colombian and Peruvian Amazon basin. Wednesday, 19 October (14:00-16:00)

6. Mountains ecosystem services. Friday, 21 October (14:00-16:00)

7. Ecosystem services in rural settings. Friday, 21 October (14:00-16:00) 

8. Ecosystem services in urban landscapes. Wednesday, 19 October (11:00-13:00 and 14:00-16:00)


S. Sectoral Working Group Sessions

2. Ecosystem service in Rural landscapes in Brazil. Tuesday, 18 October (14:00-16:00)

3. What drives landowners to modify their productive practices and conserve their forests? Tuesday, 18 October (14:00-16:00)

4. Challenges of forest conservation in Mexico: analysis of different instruments from a multidisciplinary perspective. Wednesday, 19 October (11:00-13:00)

5. Incorporating Natural Capital in Sustainable Development. Tuesday, 18 October (14:00-16:00)


T. Thematic Working Group Sessions

4. Mapping and modeling ecosystem services: Comparing methods Friday, 21 October (11:00-13:00 and 14:00-16:00)

6. Integrated valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Tuesday, 18 October (14:00-16:00) and Wednesday, 19 October (11:00-13:00)

12b. Ecosystem services and climate change: What policies and what management for addressing the multiple challenges of climate change mitigation and adaptation in Latin America? Tuesday, 18 October (14:00-16:00)

14. Scenarios: a tool for planning and governance of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Friday, 21 October (14:00-16:00)

15. Contribution of ecosystems services to well-being of rural poor in Latin America Wednesday, 19 October (11:00-13:00) and Friday, 21 October (11:00-13:00)

16. Advances and bottlenecks in the implementation of PES schemes for water and carbon-related ES. Friday, 21 October (14:00-16:00)

18. Policy and institutional analysis to manage and understand trade-offs in ecosystem services provision Wednesday, 19 October (11:00-13:00)


O. Open and Special Sessions

1. Ecosystem services and the goals of sustainable development (ODS): ¿antagonisms or synergies?. Wednesday, 19 October (14:00-16:00)

2. Environmental conflicts and ecosystem services. Wednesday, 19 October (14:00-16:00) and Friday, 21 October (11:00-13:00)

3. Law and ecosystem services. Friday, 21 October (11:00-13:00)

6. Ecosystem services assessments for policy impacts: experiences from practice of the international cooperation in Latin America. Wednesday, 19 October (14:00-16:00)

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