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During the conference several keynotes addressed the conference theme 'Healthy ecosystems for resilient societies' in the Latin American context. The keynote speakers will represent the fields of science, policy and practice.
Patricia Balvanera Múltiples valores de la biodiversidad: una visión desde IPBES.Tuesday, 18 October (10:00-10:45)
Francisco Escobedo Servicios Ecosistémicos Urbanos en Latino América: Concepto global y realidades locales. Wednesday, 19 October (16:30-17:00)
Erik Gómez - Baggethun ¿Debemos poner precio a los servicios de los ecosistemas para poder conservarlos? Tuesday, 18 October (11:15-12:00)
Pedro Laterra Dibujando mapas de servicios ecosistémicos a bordo del Titanic. Tuesday, 18 October (16:30-17:15)
Miguel Mendoza Paez Instrumentos económicos en Colombia asociados a la conservación de servicios ambientales. Wednesday, 19 October (08:00-08:45)
Ignacio Palomo Áreas protegidas, ordenación territorial y el marco socio-ecológico. Tuesday, 18 October (17:15-18:00)
Alexander Rincón Ruiz Biodiversidad, servicios ecosistémicos y el reto de la inclusión. Friday, 21 October (09:00-09:30)
Carlos Rodríguez El banco del pensamiento y la negociación para el equilibrio del mundo: visiones de pueblos indígenas de la Amazonia colombiana. Wednesday, 19 October (08:45-09:30)
Ana Paula Turetta Current state of environmental services research in Brazil. Friday, 21 October (8:00-8:45)
Sandra P. Vilardy Quiroga Los servicios de los ecosistemas y los retos ante los nuevos acuerdos sociales y territoriales en Colombia. Friday, 21 October (16:30-17:00)
Sara Wilson El rol de los ecosistemas y la infraestructura verde en la mitigación y adaptación del cambio climático para el uso de la tierra y las ciudades. Friday 21 October (08:30-09:00)
Keynote descriptions
Biologist graduated from the Autonomous Metropolitan University Iztapala, Master in Biological Sciences and PhD in Ecology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Her research is focused on the links between biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being, encompassing issues related to biodiversity dynamics and management, ecosystem service supply, use and value, and links to different components of well-being at different special scales.
She is a professor at the Institute of Ecosystems and Sustainability Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (IIES-UNAM). She has contributed to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) as a Coordinating Lead Author of Chapters I and II of the Guide on Values (Deliverable 3(d) of IPBES).
She is associate editor of Ecosystem Services, Ecology and Society, Journal of Plant Ecology and the International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management. She is a member of the Aldo Leopold Leadership Program.
Doctor of Environmental Policy and Forest Resources State University of New York-ESF. He made his Masters in Watersheds at the University of Arizona and studied his undergraduate Agronomy and Natural Resources in the New Mexico State University. Working for years with the USDA Forest Service and was Assistant Professor and Associate Professor of the University of Florida between 2006 and 2015. He is currently Professor of the Universidad del Rosario in Bogota and belongs to the Research Group: Functional Ecology and Ecosystem.
His research interest’s focus on understanding how human influence directly and indirectly on forests and human settlements. How the structure and functions of ecosystems benefit society. The methods and techniques used multidisciplinary investigation this: ecosystem modeling, policy analysis, forest inventories, urban ecology, geospatial tools and socio-economic valuation.
Professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and Senior Visiting Researcher at the University of Oxford. He serves as vice president of the European Society for Ecological Economics. His research covers various fields in ecological economics and political ecology, with a focus on ecosystem services, environmental governance, resilience theory and community based management. He is editorial board member of several leading scientific journals and has served as lead author or chapter coordinator for international initiatives such as ‘The economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity’ (TEEB), and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). He is currently member of an expert task force of the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
Bachelor in Biological SCience graduate from the University of Buenos Aires, with a PhD in Biological Sciences. He has been professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the National University of Mar del Plata, and currently serves as Principal Investigator of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) in Bariloche Foundation, Argentina. His main research topic has been the rangeland ecology and landscape ecology, and in recent years the development of models for the evaluation and mapping of ecosystem services and socio-ecological vulnerability, with emphasis on water regulation services, purification of surface water and recreational potential of the landscape.
Economist with Master in economics and specialized courses in finances and planning and management of natural resources and environment. Professor and researcher in various universities in Colombia and Mexico.
In the exercise of his professional life he has worked in different public and private companies, in the latter he held management positions. He currently works as an independent consultant on economic, environmental and financial issues, assessment and tracking of projects and negotiation of conflicts in companies such as the Environmental Research Institute of the Pacific, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, the Association of Regional Autonomous Corporations and Sustainable Development – ASOCARS, National University of Colombia, Institute of Environmental Studies IDEA, Corpoboyaca, Metropolis, Conconcreto, Clean Energy, among others.
Postdoctoral researcher at the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) and Research Associate in Laboratory of Socio-ecosystems of the Autonomous University of Madrid.
His research is part of the Science of Sustainability. Uses the framework of ecosystem services to develop a socio-ecological land planning.
Among the different methodological tools that he uses finds the cartography of ecosystem services, participatory planning of future scenarios, interviews and surveys of perceptions of ecosystem services. He is editor of the magazine One Ecosystem, coordinator of the Working Group cartography services in the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) and Fellow of the Global Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
Ecosystem Services Research Theme Leader Decision and Policy Analysis Program, International Center for Tropical Agriculture. 14-year experience, core work on project formulation and implementation related to Payments for Ecosystem Services schemes design, and environmental impacts produced by diverse land uses in Latin America. Recently she worked on environmental impacts and adoption determinants of conservation measures, including mixed crop-livestock systems and REDD+ projects. Her most recent work in Peru has been on the institutional innovations, especially legal framework-related, required to implementing Payment for Ecosystem Services schemes.
Economist at the National University of Colombia, Magister in Agricultural Economics, PhD in Ecological Economics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Doctoral Visiting Researcher at the University of Cambridge (Department of Land Economy). He has served as technical secretary of the satellite account of the environment in the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), technical coordinator of the Latin American and Caribbean Initiative for Sustainable Development (ILAC - Colombia), consultant to the National Planning Department (DNP), Colombia researcher for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA). He has taught in the areas of environment and development, ecological economics, econometrics, environmental valuation and alternatives to development in different universities. He currently leads the research "Socioeconomic dynamics, welfare and ecosystem services" in the Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute and the South American chapter of Ecosystem Services partnership - ESP.
Doctor of Natural Sciences of the University of Amsterdam, Master in Regional Development Planning and Urban CIDER and biologist at the Universidad de los Andes. He works knowledge and conservation of the Colombian Amazon since 1981 on issues related to the management of tropical forest by indigenous communities together with his wife the anthropologist Maria Clara van der Hammen, with whom has published a number of articles and books on management natural resources with emphasis on wildlife, farming systems, fishing and forest products. Similarly, he has made contributions in areas such as local traditional knowledge and proposals of education for indigenous people and generating productive alternatives for tropical forest.
He has been a delegate to international meetings convened by entities such as the Indigenous Fund, National Parks, IPBES, GSI. Since 1998 he is Director of Tropenbos International Colombia, where he coordinates a program of academic research and local research to generate knowledge that contributes to decision-making on the conservation and sustainable management of tropical forest.
Geographer with Master and PhD degrees in Soil Science by Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, and post doctorate from the University of Wageningen, The Netherlands. She has experience in environmental sciences, with emphasis in sustainability evaluation and ecosystem services in rural landscapes.
PhD in Ecology and Environment at the Autonomous University of Madrid and Marine Biologist at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University. Assistant professor at the University of Magdalena. His research includes the processes that determine the current state of socio-ecological systems in marine and coastal areas, especially in the Colombian Caribbean, from the context of complex adaptive systems and resilience. The main objective of his work as a researcher, is that the results obtained are offered and transferred efficiently as management tools, not only for public entities such competition, but also for local communities in the areas of work, in order to help rebuild resilience through direct support and knowledge dialogue
Sara has a BA in Human Geography and International Development Studies, and a MSc. in Forestry, both from the University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, and a Certificate in Environmental Economics from the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC.
Sara is an ecological economist who has worked as an environmental policy specialist and researcher for ten years. She has worked as a consultant and researcher mainly for NGOs for the past five years and specializes in cutting edge socio-economic analysis and reporting of environmental issues such as the impacts of climate change and the development of ecosystem service values, as well as full cost accounting techniques, public policy development, and ecological fiscal reform. Specifically, she has substantial expertise in carbon values and sustainability reporting including the development of environmental accounts and indicators.
International recognition of Sara’s expertise includes her selection as an international expert and lead author for: the IPBES Scoping Workshop and Regional Assessments for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
Panellists descriptions
More than 25 years of experience in the articulation of the social dimension in conservation initiatives. She studied Food Technology in the Universidad de Antioquia, Marketing in the Institución Universitaria Escolme and MSc in Sustainable Development of Agricultural Systems in the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Currently, she is the Director of the Program Governance and Sustainable Livelihoods, WWF-Colombia, with the responsibility to lead, coordinate and direct conceptual and methodological strategies for effective governance, planning territories, watersheds, in promoting collective action for management natural resources and livelihood sustainability criteria.
Doctor in energy planning at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Magister in Policies and Agricultural Development in Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He is a specialist in Environmental Economics and Economic Valuation for what he has been serving as professor at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina at the undergraduate, masters and doctoral courses.
Post-Ph.D the Institute of Geography of the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Ph.D in Geography from the State University of Hydrometeorology of Russia. Currently, she is Professor-Researcher of the urban-environmental area of Centre for Demographic Studies, Urban and Environmental (CEDUA) of the College of Mexico, AC. Her current research interests are: integrated water management, new water culture, environmental monitoring, environmental indicators, hydrological environmental services and payments for environmental services.
Economist graduated from the Valle Universiy (1984), Msc in Economics, CIDE, Mexico (1986). Msc (2004) and PhD (2006) in Environmental Sciences with emphasis in Ecological economics and Environmental Management from Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Pos-doc from São Paulo University (2013). Linked to the Cinara Institute, belong to the research group “Community, Environment and Sustainability”. He is professor at del Valle University.
Professional with broad working experience on topics of ecological economics, ecological conflicts, environmental justice, international trade, environment, ecosystem services, and others. He currently is the president of the Andean Society for Ecological Economics (SAEE) and director of the Interinstitutional PhD in Environmental Sciences at del Valle University.
Ph.D and Magister in Wildlife Management from Colorado State University and Professor in Biological Sciences at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral. She has worked on various projects and programs of the Agricultural Technology National Institute (INTA) among which are the National Sub Wildlife subprogram, the Monitoring Ecotoxicology of Agilucho langostero project, birds Monitoring and Pesticides Conservation resident and migratory birds in agroecosystem pampeanos in Argentina.
Between 2006 and 2009 coordinated the Research Network on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Production Systems of the INTA, and currently she is the National Coordinator of Environmental Management Strategic Area of this institution.
She coordinates the Commons Conservation and Management Group (CGCommons) and holds a researcher position at the Environmental Studies and Research Centre (NEPAM), the State University at Campinas (UNICAMP). She is Adjunct Professor at the Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Manitoba, Canada, and a member of the Fisheries and Food Institute, Campinas, Brazil. Dr. Seixas holds a PhD degree in Natural Resources and Environmental Management from University of Manitoba, Canada (2002). Her research interests include Commons Theory, community-based conservation and development, traditional ecological knowledge, co-management and adaptive co-management, social-ecological resilience, human ecology and fisheries.
ESP Latin America
Martine van
Martine van Weeldenconference@es-partnership.org
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