Session overview and book of abstracts
Below you can find both the overview of all conference sessions and the Book of Abstracts per session.
The sessions are clustered according to the ESP Working Groups structure: Biome (B), Sectoral (S), and Thematic (T) Working Groups. Also, National network (N), Regional chapter (R), and Other (O) sessions will be organised.
By clicking on the clusters, you will be directed to that cluster. Each cluster consists of several sessions. When you click the session title the Book of Abstracts for that session will open. The Book of Abstracts per session contains three sections: 1) session description, 2) session program, 3) abstracts to be presented in that session.
Links to the ESP Working Groups are included to show the linkages between the conference sessions and the ESP community in general.
B1 - Plural values of marine and coastal ecosystem services towards sustainable spatial planning and an inclusive governance of marine and coastal systems, E. Drakou, et al. Presentations & Recordings
B5 - Mediterranean Islands’ Ecosystem Services, I. Vogiatzakis, et al. Recordings
B10 - Designing Resilient Cities through Ecosystem Service Mapping, S. Salata, et al. Presentations & Recordings
S1a - Navigating Natural Capital and Inclusive Wealth for gaining sustainability and wellbeing for the farming community (businesses, supply chain and consumers), S. Martino, et al. Presentations
S1b - Motivating contract design for the provision of ecosystem services and biodiversity in agriculture, B. Matzdorf, et al. Presentations & Recordings
S5 - Beyond water: understanding the use and impacts of NBS for water management, J. Hack, et al. Presentations & Recording
S6 T13b - Change the system: bridging the gap between ecosystem services science and the integration of natural capital approaches in business decision-making, J. Saunders, et al. Presentations & Recording
S8a - The role of Ecosystem Services as a tool for successful multilevel governance of protected areas, I. Mitsopoulos, et al. Presentations & Recordings
S8c - Revealing the contribution of protected areas to human well-being through the lens of the ecosystem services concept, M. Šmid Hribar, et al. Presentations & Recording
S8d - UNESCO Biosphere Reserves as key areas for new insights into Ecosystem Services assessment, valuation and management, H. Freitas, et al. Presentations
S10 - Gearing up toward Urban Greening Plans to bring nature back in cities, L. Costadone, et al. Presentations
T1 - Guidelines, tools and standards for integrated ecosystem services assessments, D. de Groot, et al. Presentations & Recordings
T3a - The operationalization of ecosystem services indicators: a matter of scale, data, purpose and end-users, R. S. Lorilla, et al. Presentations & Recordings
T3b - Ecological tipping points and societal transformation processes in social-ecological systems, S. Peter, et al. Recording
T4a - National & large scale MAES projects in Europe - road towards policy uptake and implementation, A. Vari, et al. Presentations & Recordings
T4b - The power of ecosystem services maps for transformative change, B. Burkhard, et al. Presentations & Recordings
T5a - Ecosystem Services Modelling for Nature-based Solutions, B. De Knegt, et al. Presentations & Recordings
T5b - Emerging research on current trends and future scenarios of the nature-water-food-health-climate nexus in the context of the IPBES Nexus Assessment, Z. Harmackova, et al.
T8 - Landscape aesthetic and Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES), A. Tisma, et al. Presentations & Recording
T9 - Shaping Healthier Cities. Ecosystem Services and Health for a responsive human-nature relations, S. Salata, et al. Presentations & Recording
T13a - Linking ecosystem services and Nature-based Solutions for more resilient societies & nature, E. Cohen-Shacham, et al. Presentations & Recordings
T14a - Integrative digital systems for planning and managing ecosystem services: State of the art and future prospects, S. Schmidt, et al. Presentations
T14b - Making local knowledge count: Co-design principles and practices for agri-environmental programmes, F. Turkelboom, et al. Presentations & Recording
(classic session description here)
T14c - Barriers and success factors for the application of ecosystem services in decision-making, M. Paulin, et al. Presentations & Recordings
T16a - Ecosystem service valuation to identify investment opportunities, risks, and stakeholders: Experiences from case studies, V. van `t Hoff, et al. Recordings
T16b - Incentivizing tree-based solutions: PES schemes for engaging society and nature, C. Carvalho-Santos, et al. Presentations & Recordings
T17a - Ecosystem condition accounting: overcoming operational challenges, J. Babí Almenar, et al. Recordings
T17b - Moving forward in ecosystem services accounting: From the monetary valuation barrier to the mainstreaming into policy making, A. La Notte, et al. /T17c - Biophysical models for ecosystem accounting, L. Hein, et al. Presentations & Recordings
T18a - Policy and institutional analysis for ecosystem services provision – Conceptual, methodological and empirical inspirations of multi-level governance, C. Mann, et al. Presentations & Recordings
T18b - The effects of the Europe Union - Mercosur trade relations on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision, A. Altmann, et al. Recording
T18c - Results-based approaches and other integrated models as drivers for ecological conservation and policy integration, G. Goggins Presentations & Recording
T19 - Novel approaches and co-creation of standard protocols for assessing cultural ecosystem services based on social media content, F. Calcagni, et al. Presentations & Recordings
T20a - Disentangling equity in ecosystem services, F. Benra, et al. Presentations & Recordings
T20b - Planning for equity and spatial justice in urban risk reduction through green and blue infrastructure ecosystem services (and disservices), V. Pappalardo Presentations & Recordings
O1 - Ecosystem services research, practice and policy in Greece: current status and ways forward, E. Drakou, et al. Presentations & Recording
O2 - Biodiversity and ecosystem services in South-East Europe: Research challenges and application issues towards a community of practice, S. Nedkov, et al. Recording
O3 - Novel contributions to ecosystem service research - from early-career researcher perspectives, M. Hänsel, et al. Presentations & Recordings
ESP Europe 2022
Ecosystem Services
Ecosystem Services Partnershipconference@espconference.org
ESP Europe 2022ESP Europe 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced