Day-by-Day Program
10 October 2022
Pre-conference training:
JRC - Accounting for Ecosystem Services: theoretical basis and practical applications using the QGIS plug-in INCA tools (Room: Hermes)
Pre-conference training:
PD Dr. Luis Inostroza: The editor’s guide on successful publishing (Room: Phaedra II)
Opening ceremony (Room: Plaza)
- Panayotis Dimopoulos, University of Patras
- Giorgos Alexakis, responsible for Environment & Sustainability, Crete region
- Rudolf de Groot, Ecosystem Services Partnership
- Evangelia Drakou, Harokopio University of Athen
Keynote speakers (Room: Plaza)
- Mary Yannakoulia (Harokopio University) - The Mediterranean Diet: a nutritional, environmental, social and cultural value
Welcome reception & entertainment
Galaxy Hotel, 75 Dimokratias Av, 71306, Heraklion, Crete – Greece
11 October 2022
Keynote speakers (Room: Plaza)
- Eszter Kelemen (ESSRG) - Why and how to engage marginalized communities in ecosystem services research? Care, justice, inclusion, and other considerations
Coffee break
Parallel sessions
- B1 - Plural values of marine and coastal ecosystem services towards sustainable spatial planning and an inclusive governance of marine and coastal systems, E. Drakou, et al. (Room: Plaza)
- S1b - Motivating contract design for the provision of ecosystem services and biodiversity in agriculture, B. Matzdorf, et al. (Room: Mezzo II)
- S8c - Revealing the contribution of protected areas to human well-being through the lens of the ecosystem services concept, M. Šmid Hribar, et al. (Room: Hermes)
- S8d - UNESCO Biosphere Reserves as key areas for new insights into Ecosystem Services assessment, valuation and management, H. Freitas, et al.(Room: Phaedra I)
- T14a - Integrative digital systems for planning and managing ecosystem services: State of the art and future prospects, S. Schmidt, et al. (Room: Phaedra II)
- T17b - Moving forward in ecosystem services accounting: From the monetary valuation barrier to the mainstreaming into policy making, A. La Notte, et al. /T17c - Biophysical models for ecosystem accounting, L. Hein, et al. (Room: Park)
- T18b - The effects of the Europe Union - Mercosur trade relations on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision, A. Altmann, et al. (Room: ballroom)
- T20a - Disentangling equity in ecosystem services, F. Benra, et al. (Room: Mezzo III)
Lunch break
Parallel sessions
- B1 - Plural values of marine and coastal ecosystem services towards sustainable spatial planning and an inclusive governance of marine and coastal systems, E. Drakou, et al. (Room: Plaza)
- S1a - Navigating Natural Capital and Inclusive Wealth for gaining sustainability and wellbeing for the farming community (businesses, supply chain and consumers), S. Martino, et al. (Room: Ballroom)
- S5 - Beyond water: understanding the use and impacts of NBS for water management, J. Hack, et al. (Room: Mezzo III)
- S8a - The role of Ecosystem Services as a tool for successful multilevel governance of protected areas, I. Mitsopoulos, et al. (Room: Mezzo II)
- S8d - UNESCO Biosphere Reserves as key areas for new insights into Ecosystem Services assessment, valuation and management, H. Freitas, et al. (Room: Phaedra I)
- T13a - Linking ecosystem services and Nature-based Solutions for more resilient societies & nature, E. Cohen-Shacham, et al. (Room: Phaedra II)
- T14c - Barriers and success factors for the application of ecosystem services in decision-making, M. Paulin, et al. (Room: Hermes)
- T17b - Moving forward in ecosystem services accounting: From the monetary valuation barrier to the mainstreaming into policy making, A. La Notte, et al. /T17c - Biophysical models for ecosystem accounting, L. Hein, et al. (Room: Park)
Coffee break
Parallel sessions
- B1 - Plural values of marine and coastal ecosystem services towards sustainable spatial planning and an inclusive governance of marine and coastal systems, E. Drakou, et al. (Room: Plaza)
- S1b - Motivating contract design for the provision of ecosystem services and biodiversity in agriculture, B. Matzdorf, et al. (Room: Mezzo II)
- S10 - Gearing up toward Urban Greening Plans to bring nature back in cities, L. Costadone, et al. (Room: ballroom)
- T5b - Emerging research on current trends and future scenarios of the nature-water-food-health-climate nexus in the context of the IPBES Nexus Assessment, Z. Harmackova, et al. (Room: Phaedra I)
- T13a - Linking ecosystem services and Nature-based Solutions for more resilient societies & nature, E. Cohen-Shacham, et al. (Room: Phaedra II)
- T14c - Barriers and success factors for the application of ecosystem services in decision-making, M. Paulin, et al. (Room: Hermes)
- T16a - Ecosystem service valuation to identify investment opportunities, risks, and stakeholders: Experiences from case studies, V. van `t Hoff, et al.(Room: Park)
- T20a - Disentangling equity in ecosystem services, F. Benra, et al. (Room: Mezzo III)
Poster session Part I. Online presenters (Room: Plaza)
ESP Forum (Room: Park)
12 October 2022
Opening(Room: Plaza)
Keynote speakers (Room: Plaza)
- Eszter Turnhout (University of Twente - Transforming ecosystem services research
Coffee break
Parallel sessions
- B10 - Designing Resilient Cities through Ecosystem Service Mapping, S. Salata, et al. (Room: Plaza)
- T1 - Guidelines, tools and standards for integrated ecosystem services assessments, D. de Groot, et al. (Room: Park)
- T3a - The operationalization of ecosystem services indicators: a matter of scale, data, purpose and end-users, R. S. Lorilla, et al. (Room: Phaedra II)
- T3b - Ecological tipping points and societal transformation processes in social-ecological systems, S. Peter, et al. (Room: Mezzo III)
- T4b - The power of ecosystem services maps for transformative change, B. Burkhard, et al. (Room: Hermes)
- T8 - Landscape aesthetic and Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES), A. Tisma, et al. (Room: Mezzo II)
- T17a - Ecosystem condition accounting: overcoming operational challenges, J. Babí Almenar, et al. (Room: Phaedra I)
Lunch break:
Note: 30 minutes later than on the other days
Poster session Part II. Onsite presenters (Room: Ballroom)
Market place (Room: Ballroom)
- Economics of Land Degradation (ELD) Initiative – A new Decade for Action
- FIDELIO (Forecasting Social Impacts of Biodiversity Conservation Policies in Europe): a 5-year research project funded by the European Research Council (2019-2024)
- Ecosystems and People – an interdisciplinary and inclusive journal
Coffee break
Parallel sessions
- B10 - Designing Resilient Cities through Ecosystem Service Mapping, S. Salata, et al. (Room: Plaza)
- T1 - Guidelines, tools and standards for integrated ecosystem services assessments, D. de Groot, et al. (Room: Park)
- T3a - The operationalization of ecosystem services indicators: a matter of scale, data, purpose and end-users, R. S. Lorilla, et al. (Room: Phaedra II)
- T4b - The power of ecosystem services maps for transformative change, B. Burkhard, et al. (Room: Hermes)
- T16b - Incentivizing tree-based solutions: PES schemes for engaging society and nature, C. Carvalho-Santos, et al. (Room: Mezzo II)
- T17a - Ecosystem condition accounting: overcoming operational challenges, J. Babí Almenar, et al. (Room: Phaedra I)
- T18c - Results-based approaches and other integrated models as drivers for ecological conservation and policy integration, G. Goggins (Room: Mezzo III)
Conference dinner
13 October 2022
Opening (Room: Plaza)
Keynote speakers (Room: Plaza)
- Roy Bendor (Delft University of Technology) – From the crisis of imagination to more-than-human imaginaries
Coffee break
Parallel sessions
- O1 - Ecosystem services research, practice and policy in Greece: current status and ways forward, E. Drakou, et al. (Room: Phaedra II)
- O2 - Biodiversity and ecosystem services in South-East Europe: Research challenges and application issues towards a community of practice, S. Nedkov, et al. (Room: Phaedra I)
- S6 T13b - Change the system: bridging the gap between ecosystem services science and the integration of natural capital approaches in business decision-making, J. Saunders, et al. (Room: Mezzo II)
- T9 - Shaping Healthier Cities. Ecosystem Services and Health for a responsive human-nature relations, S. Salata, et al. (Room: Plaza)
- T14b - Making local knowledge count: Co-design principles and practices for agri-environmental programmes, F. Turkelboom, et al. (Room: Park)
- T19 - Novel approaches and co-creation of standard protocols for assessing cultural ecosystem services based on social media content, F. Calcagni, et al. (Room: Mezzo III)
- T20b - Planning for equity and spatial justice in urban risk reduction through green and blue infrastructure ecosystem services (and disservices), V. Pappalardo (Room: Hermes)
Lunch break
ESP Steering Committeee meeting (Room: Phaedra I)
14 October 2022
Opening(Room: Plaza)
Keynote speakers (Room: Plaza)
Ana Vitoria de Magalhães (IOC-UNESCO)
Coffee break
Parallel sessions
- B5 - Mediterranean Islands’ Ecosystem Services, I. Vogiatzakis, et al. (Room: Phaedra I)
- O3 - Novel contributions to ecosystem service research - from early-career researcher perspectives, M. Hänsel, et al.(Room: Phaedra II)
- O4 - Open topic session (Room: Hermes)
- T4a - National & large scale MAES projects in Europe - road towards policy uptake and implementation, A. Vari, et al. (Room: Plaza)
- T5a - Ecosystem Services Modelling for Nature-based Solutions, B. De Knegt, et al. (Room: Mezzo III)
- T18a - Policy and institutional analysis for ecosystem services provision – Conceptual, methodological and empirical inspirations of multi-level governance, C. Mann, et al. (Room: Park)
- T19 - Novel approaches and co-creation of standard protocols for assessing cultural ecosystem services based on social media content, F. Calcagni, et al. (Room: Mezzo II)
Lunch break
Parallel sessions
- B5 - Mediterranean Islands’ Ecosystem Services, I. Vogiatzakis, et al. (Room: Phaedra I)
- O3 - Novel contributions to ecosystem service research - from early-career researcher perspectives, M. Hänsel, et al.(Room: Phaedra II)
- O4 - Open topic session (Room: Hermes)
- T4a - National & large scale MAES projects in Europe - road towards policy uptake and implementation, A. Vari, et al. (Room: Plaza)
- T5a - Ecosystem Services Modelling for Nature-based Solutions, B. De Knegt, et al. (Room: Mezzo III)
- T18a - Policy and institutional analysis for ecosystem services provision – Conceptual, methodological and empirical inspirations of multi-level governance, C. Mann, et al. (Room: Park)
Coffee break
Reflection on the conference / Panel discussion (Room: Plaza)
- Moderation Evangelia Drakou and Rudolf de Groot
- Creative summary by: Bas Kohler
Short reflections on the Conference Streams:
- Ecosystem Services Values - Benjamin Burkhard
- Transformative Change - Wieteke Willemen
- The future we want - Robert Costanza
- Shaping our futures through education - Luis Inostroza
- Other - Roxanne Suzette Lorilla
Interactive plenary discussion
- 17:00 Rudolf de Groot: The future we want: how do we get there?
Awards and closing ceremony (Room: Plaza)
ESP Europe 2022
Ecosystem Services
Ecosystem Services Partnershipconference@espconference.org
ESP Europe 2022ESP Europe 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced