Sessions overview
Below, you will find an overview of all conference sessions along with the corresponding Book of Abstracts for each session. By clicking on a session title, you can access the Book of Abstracts for that particular session. Each Book of Abstracts consists of three sections: 1) session description, 2) session program, and 3) abstracts that will be presented during the session. A comprehensive book of abstracts, including all sessions, can be found here.
The session IDs correspond to the existing ESP Working Groups structure: Biome (B), Sectoral (S) and Thematic (T) Working Groups. Also, Other (O) sessions will be organised. Links to the ESP Working Groups are included to show the linkages between the conference sessions and the ESP community in general.
B. Biome sessions
B1. Coastal ecosystem management: the role of ecosystem services in decision-making and restoration actions, E. Drakou & S. Chen et al. Presentations
B2. Living waters: Ecosystem services of freshwater biodiversity, H. Hanh Nguyen & H. Habersack et al. - Presentations
B8. Ecosystem Services, Global Change and human health in Arctic and mountain regions: Challenges and solution, U. Schirpke & M. Villoslada et al. - Presentations
B10a. Assessing health and well-being ecosystem service benefits from Nature-Based Solutions across urban/peri-urban landscapes, P. Roebeling et al. Presentations
B10b. Adaptation to urban climate change through ecosystem services: a critical journey to integrate ecosystem services into climate-sensitive planning for a multi-risk purpose, L. Zardo et al.- Presentations
B10c. Tools and approaches for integrating ecosystem services and nature-based solutions in landscape and urban planning and policy, U. Mörtberg & R. Remme et al.
B10d. Challenges and barriers of integrating ecosystem services science into urban planning for preventive public health, K. Farley et al.
B10e. Assessing ecosystem conditions, services, and biodiversity in Urban Nature Plans: targets, methods, and indicators, C. Cortinovis et al. - Presentations
B10f. Urban form and ecosystem delivering capacity - relations and implications for urban planning and governance, A. Shkaruba & S. Salata et al. Presentations
S. Sectoral sessions
S1a. Leveraging ecosystem services for agroecological transitions, P. Castro & H. Freitas et al.
S1b. Assessing trade-offs between ecosystems services in agroecological transitions of agrifood systems, L. Madureira et al.- Presentations
S1c. Agroecology and nature-based solutions as transformative pathways towards sustainable agriculture, M. Torralba & J. Schild et al. - Presentations
S1d. Co-designing biodiversity measures with farmers: Dos and Donts, F. Herzog et al.- Presentations
S1e. Operationalizing Ecosystem Services for agroecosystem One Health: data-driven insights, limits and interdisciplinary prospects, D. Bormpoudakis et al.
S3a. Forests for a better world: ecosystem, human and economic perspectives, C. Carvalho-Santos et al.- Presentations
S3b. Financing and certifying forest- and tree-based ecosystem services, O. Wolf & S. Corticeiro et al.- Presentations
S6a. Transforming business conduct: Integrating the value provided by nature and people in private sector decision-making, M. Van Weelden et al. - Presentations
S6b. Setting standards for biodiversity and ecosystem services for the corporate sector, B. Matzdorf et al. - Presentations
T. Thematic sessions
T1a. Operationalizing the IPBES framework in place based socio-ecological systems research, N. Robert Kinabo et al.
T1b. The ES concept in science, policy and practice - a constructive reflection on its use, potential and challenges, C. Mann & R. Pastén et al. Presentations
T1c. Conceptual mismatch: how to reconcile ecosystem services, One Health, and other buzzwords to achieve real transformative impact?, S. Lhoest et al.
T1d. Human-Nature Relations for transformative change: a holistic perspective, A. Mascarenhas et al. - Presentations
T1f. Challenges and opportunities of ecosystem services assessments on small and medium islands, G. Cozzolino & V. Drakou et al. - Presentations
T2. Assessing Ecosystem Condition: Integrating Science, Policy, and Practice, F. Santos Martín & P. Roche et al. - Presentations
T3. Indicators for monitoring Ecosystem Services and Nature-Based Solutions in relation to the Global Biodiversity Framework, A. Van Oudenhoven et al.- Presentations
T4a. Integrating ecological and legal approaches to mapping and assessment of ecosystem services vulnerability, resilience, and restoration, F. Leucci & P. Roche et al. - Presentations
T4b. Mapping ecosystem services to foster transformative societal change: looking at the past and the way forward, S. Le Clec'H et al. Presentations
T5. Ecosystem Services Modelling for Nature-based Solutions, S. Nedkov et al. - Presentations
T6. Integrated decision-making: Ensuring that the values of nature, society, people and finance are considered in decision-making processes, R. Portela et al.- Presentations
T7. Making nature count: monetary valuation for transformation to nature-inclusive decision-making, N. Polman et al. - Presentations
T8a. Ecosystem services and relational values - current state and the way forward, J. Schild et al. - Presentations
T8b. Nature on a plate. Linking people and nature in local food, M. Derek et al.
T9a. Exploring the connections between biodiversity and human health, J. Cardoso Costa & R. Boudewijns et al.
T9b. Healthy ecosystems for healthy people: Evidence-based benefits of nature exposure to human health, S. Pouso et al.
T11. Interregional flows of ecosystem services / nature contributions to people, T. Koellner et al. - Presentations
T12. Understanding the linkages between global change, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss and human health and well-being, N. Kabisch et al.
T13a. Trade-offs in implementing nature-based solutions, N. Kabisch et al. Presentations
T13b. Linking Ecosystem Services and Nature-based Solutions for Transformative Change, E. Cabecinha et al. Presentations
T13c. Nature-based solutions with societal nexus as a key for transformative change, D. Dushkova et al. Presentations
T13d. Can minimum requirements for Nature-based solutions support the implementation and reduce risks of greenwashing in EU marine and coastal environments?, C. Riisager-Simonsen et al.
T17a. Natural Capital Accounting in economy and finance, A. La Notte et al. Presentations
T17b. Advancing the role of ecosystem accounting in urban areas, fine-scale applications, and impact assessments, J. Babí Almenar & T. Simensen et al. - Presentations
T18a. Mainstreaming ecosystem services approach and fostering transformative governance to enhance planning in socio-ecological systems, N. Claudia Caló et al. - Presentations
T18b. Ecosystem services science for evidence-based transformative change in decision-making, B. Burkhard et al. - Presentations
T19a. Ecosystem Services and Big Data: New Concepts, New Approaches, New Networks, J. Langemeyer et al. Presentations
T19b. Artificial Intelligence and Ecosystem Services – Advancements in AI in the field of ecosystem services for transformative change, V. van 't Hoff, P. Cabral & F. Akinyemi et al. - Presentations
T20. Advancing Health Equity and Environmental Justice through Ecosystem Service Research, F. Baró et al. Presentations
O. Other sessions
O1. Early career voices and visions for ecosystem services research within the One Health framework in a time of global change, N. Kaiser & K. Pham et al.
O2. Transforming ecosystem services research through knowledge co-production and participatory approaches, I. Sieber et al. Presentations
O3. Teaching ecosystem services around the globe – your lessons learnt, N. Schwarz et al.
O4. Why would I work with others? Motivations for collaboration at landscape level, F. Turkelboom & D. Stella et al.
O5. Communities of practice - how to make them truly transformative?, I. Liekens & M. Siebers et al. - Presentations
O6. Communicating nature’s benefits in protected areas – from theory to practice, I. Bouwma et al.
O7. Transformative change; Building Public Private Partnerships, P. Buffing et al.
Sessions schedule
ESP Europe 2024
ESP Europe
ESP Europe 2024diane.ingabire@fsd.nl
ESP Europe 2024ESP Europe 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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