Rudolf de Groot | Foundation for Sustainable Development/Ecosystem Services Partnership, the Netherlands

Rudolf de Groot is an ecologist by training and has worked for more than 40 years on the development and application of the ecosystem services concept as a tool to analyze the (economic) benefits of nature conservation, sustainable ecosystem management, and landscape restoration. In July 2021 he retired as Associate Professor in Integrated Ecosystem Assessment & Management with the Environmental Systems Analysis Group of Wageningen University, the Netherlands.

De Groot was involved as Coordinating Lead author in the UN-supported Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2001-2005) and in the global study on “The Economics of Ecosystems & Biodiversity” (TEEB 2008-2010) (leading the Conceptual Framework chapter and the development of a database on monetary values of Ecosystem Services: ).

He is co-founder (2012) and Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier Journal “Ecosystem Services: Science, Policy & Practice” .

He published numerous papers and since 2018 is listed among the top 1% most cited researchers worldwide on cross-disciplinary topics.

Next to his scientific work, he is passionate about the practical application of the ecosystem services concept. He is co-founder and Chair of the Foundation for Sustainable Development ( which aims to support the conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems by building knowledge and stimulating awareness of the many ways in which people depend on, and benefit from nature. He is among others Special Advisor on Ecosystem Services and Nature Based Solutions of the IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM), Member of the Value Commission ( ), member of the Economics of Land Degradation Working Groip ( ) and Chair of the Ecosystem Services Partnership (, a worldwide network to enhance the science and practical application of ecosystem services assessment.

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