Call for abstracts
The call for abstracts is CLOSED. All abstracts will now undergo peer review by the session hosts. Some important dates for the review process are:
15 July - Call for abstract closes. First review round begins.
5 August - First review round closes. Accepted and rejected abstracts notified. Start of second review round for remaining abstracts.
23 August - Second review round closes. Accepted and rejected abstracts notified. Final review of remaining abstracts.
30 August - End of review process. All remaining abstract authors notified.
15 September - Early Bird registration closes.
Due to the summer period and sometimes very large number of abstracts that session hosts need to review and agree upon, the notifications may be delayed with some days. In any case we will ensure that all authors are notified about the final decision regarding their abstract, with sufficient time to still register using the Early Bird rate.
Please note that this conference will be an in-person conference in order to provide an enriching experience that allows attendees to fully immerse themselves in the conference, interact with speakers and engage with other participants in real-time.
Abstract guidelines
In order to get an idea of how to prepare your abstract, please find more information and guidelines below.
Type of submission
There are two different types of contributions you can choose from within this system:
Abstract: Please select a first and second session of your choice so we can forward your abstract to the session of your second choice in case your abstract will be rejected by the host of your preferred session.
Poster abstract: If you wish to submit an abstract that you would like to present as a poster during the conference, a separate poster session will be organised. In order to cluster the poster thematically, we ask you to select the session into which your poster fits best.
Invited speaker abstract: If you were personally invited to present your abstract by the session host(s) and you would like your abstract to appear in the book of abstracts, please do submit your abstract too. If you will present in a session which only allows invited speakers to present, you will find this session in the sessions which only allow invited speakers section selection (Session G3).
Author Guidelines
We kindly request you to follow the following guidelines for your abstract submission (unless something different is specified in the session description of your preferred session):
Document type: Word
Text font: Verdana
Font size: 10
Maximum number of words: 300
Maximum amount of keywords: 5
Order of presented information:
Presenting author
Other authors
Primary affiliation
Abstract text (maximum 300 words)
ESP Europe 2024
ESP Europe
ESP Europe 2024diane.ingabire@fsd.nl
ESP Europe 2024ESP Europe 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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