Arnold J.H. van Vliet | Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands

Van Vliet is a biologist, specialised in the monitoring, analysis and forecasting of the impact of global change on biodiversity and its societal implications. He has several fields of expertise: The first one is the impact of climate change on the timing of life cycle events and the geographic distribution of species. The second is the societal implications of and response to these climate induced ecological impacts. Hereby the focus is on various human health issues including pollen (hay fever and cardiovascular diseases), vector-borne diseases (mosquitoes and ticks) and pest species (oak processionary caterpillar and wasps). The third field of expertise is ecosystem services and Nature-based Solutions. Hereby the focus is on assessing the variety of services, quantifying the monetary value of these services and assessing the societal implications of changes in the provision of ecosystem services. The fourth field of expertise is the animal consumption and production chain whereby the focus is on realising a transition towards sustainability.

Van Vliet is specialised in the development and coordination of various citizen science networks and in the communication of science to society.

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