Market place
The market place took place on Wednesday 9 June, from 12:00-13:30.
Below an overview is to be found of the market place stands that will be presented at the market place on Wednesday.
1. Biodiversity Exploratories
As part of an initiative to promote biodiversity research in Germany, study sites were established in three German regions in 2006-2009, the so-called exploratories. Since its launch, the DFG-funded project has aimed to enable comparative and experimental biodiversity and ecosystem research. For the first time, this is done on a large scale combined with a long-term perspective. The project is currently in its sixth phase, which ends in early March 2023.
2. Integrating Nature-based solutions in climate change adaptation
The EU-supported project Coast to Coast Climate Challenge (C2C CC) takes a holistic approach to climate change adaptation focusing on creating added value and multifunctional solutions. The project do this by integrating Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and an ecosystem service approach into climate change adaptation projects.
3. Natural Capital Singapore
A multi-disciplinary study of Singapore’s urban terrestrial and marine ecosystems and the benefits they provide: the first study of its kind for a tropical city.
4. To Ally Technology, Nature and Society for integrated urban water management - ATENAS
ATENAS is an international project funded by JPI Water through WaterWorks2017 programme. ATENAS merges innovative approaches in the field of water storage and purification based on NBSs. This was pointed by EC (2015) as the most promising area to generate green growth, followed by social inclusion and equity being the target of ERA NET. Considering that, urban water management nexus requires twofold, parallel action: (1) strengthening the adaptive capacity of cities by establishing innovative solutions linking technology with ecosystem services towards one system capable to adjust to changing conditions; (2) investing in education, information exchange and empowering of local leaders, who are able to mobilize people's effort and attention locally, to produce global transformation.
5. NATURE IS OUR CAPITAL - Mainstreaming natural capital in Germany
Nature is our capital is a campaign to make the value of our natural capital visible to policymakers by preparing case studies from science and practice. Intact and functional ecosystems and their services form the basis of our existence. However, the value of this capital is not sufficiently taken into account in public and private decisions. Business and consumption as usual are leading to a rapid depletion of our natural resources, affecting the provision of many ecosystem services and threatening thereby our health, quality of life and well-being. From an economic point of view, nature is a necessary stock of capital that we must maintain and restore.
This project is certified according to the Naturplus standard (
6. AgoraNatura
AgoraNatura ( was launched in September 2020 as the first independent, German-wide online marketplace for biodiversity and ecosystem services credits (open crowdfunding platform for certified nature conservation projects). The platform enables land users (e.g. environmental organisations, farmers, municipalities, landscape maintenance associations or landowners) to offer certificates from nature conservation or landscape conservation projects. A certificate shows the area-related effects of the nature conservation measure, e.g. positive effects on the flora and fauna, avoided nitrogen inputs in water bodies or prevented carbon emissions. Individuals and businesses can acquire these certificates and thus invest in the implementation of these projects.
This project is certified according to the Naturplus standard (
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