Pre- & Post-conference trainings
This year, two very interesting pre-conference and two post-conference sessions are planned:
Two-day training on “Integrating ecosystem services into development planning” by GIZ (German Development Organisation: (Saturday 7 – Sunday 8 November).
* There is no extra fee for this 2-day-training but there is a maximum of 25 participants. If you are interested, send an email to with a copy to as soon as possible. -
“Natural Capital Protocol Workshop”, a one-day event organized by the Natural Capital Coalition (, in partnership with the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) and South African Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), on the forthcoming Natural Capital Protocol, a standardized framework for business to measure and value their direct and indirect impacts (positive and negative) and dependencies on natural capital (Sunday 8 November). Please, download the flyer for more information.
The following fees apply: €45 for students, €70 for NGO’s, academics and people from low-income countries, and €90 for all other participants. This includes course-materials and lunch. To register, please send an email to and (in CC) with the following information: name, institution, fee applying to your situation, copy of valid student ID (if applicable). You will receive an invoice and Paypal money request shortly after your e-mail has been received to complete your registration. -
A post-conference ‘Atelier’ (3-5 days) on “Developing an Ecological Infrastructure and Ecosystem Services Sector in South Africa” organised by the Department of Environmental Affairs.
Training on the Natural Capital Project toolkit (November 14, 16 &17)
After the ESP conference, ESR-WLE, SAPECS and the Natural Capital Project are collaborating to offer a great training opportunity on ecosystem service modelling. The Training will include a first glimpse at the new modeling tool on Mapping Ecosystem Services and Human well-being (MESH), as well as a two-days hands-on session where participants will learn to apply InVEST and RIOS tools.
Learn more about the training here and help us to design the workshop according to your needs and interest by completing this short survey.
You can register online now. Note: contact Natalia or Alta to get your promotional code if you are involved with WLE or SAPECS. Feel free to contact the following persons if you have any questions regarding this training:
- Natalia Estrada Carmona ( ), WLE Ecosystem Services and Resilience Core Theme – Bioversity International
- Alta De Vos (, Southern African Program on Ecosystem Change and Society – SAPECS
- Henry Borrebach ( ), Natural Capital Project – Stanford University
ESP Conference 2015
Martine van
Martine van Weeldenconference@es-partnership.org
ESP Conference 2015ESP Conference 20150.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Spier Wine FarmSpier Wine FarmR310 Stellenbosch South Africa