Day-by-day program
09 November 2015
Registration open
Pre-registration will take place on Sunday 8 November 17:00-19:00.
Opening & Welcome address
Short introduction by co-organisers and key partners
Role of ES in conservation, livelihoods and prosperity (with emphasis on Africa)
Belinda Reyers:
Ecosystem services and Nature: Ecosystem service approaches to implementing the sustainable development goals.
Christo Marais:
Ecosystem services and livelihoods: the evolution of the SA Natural Resource Management Programmes and its contribution to improving rural livelihoods.
BREAK & Intermezzo
Mark Gough:
Ecosystem services and prosperity : including natural capital in decision making for our shared benefit; The Natural Capital Protocol.
Panel discussion
Special sessions & Workshops
On ESP-SERVICES and Open Topics:
B2 - The role of mapping and quantification of ES in river restoration, lake restoration and groundwater resources management
O3 - Telling Stories, Changing Policy: How We Can Bring Ecosystem Services From Idea To Action
O5 - Ignite Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation with new approaches
O7 - The State and Practice of Applying an Ecosystem Services Framework to Federal Natural Resource Management Decisions in the United States
O8 - TEEB areas of work and global/regional results and challenges / TEEB country studies with special attention to the African continent
O11- Making IPBES work for stakeholders
O12 -Three South African Case studies: Collaborations between business and civil society on restoring water catchments
O13 - Cross cutting issues: use of ES to achieve development goals, sustainable tourism and environmental markets
T2 - Plant-soil feedbacks and adaptation to climate change
ESP member Forum
The ESP Member Forum is open to all Conference participants but only Full (paying) Members will have voting rights. ESP full members will receive an ‘Annual Report’ of ESP achievements and plans before the conference so presentations during the Conference can be short and the audience can prepare their questions.
Those who are not planning to attend the ESP Member Forum can use the time for ad-hoc meetings and/or to visit the poster room.
Welcome reception
At Zevenwacht Wine Estate (transport provided)
End time is an indication
10 November 2015
Opening Day chair and 2 Keynotes
Rosimeiry Portela:
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Maximizing Benefits in Conservation Decision-Making and Management
Kiruben Naicker:
Africa’s Green Growth Potential: Enhancing African Economies through the concept of Natural Capital.
Mostly organised by the ESP Working Groups:
B1-(1) - Application of MCES in the real world
B5 - Ecosystem services assessment in a Mediterranean context: challenges, methods, facts, solutions
B7-(1) - Boosting ecosystem services in rural landscapes: perspectives on actions and evidence
B8-(1) - Urban Ecosystem Services: Approaches, Tools, and Frameworks for Dealing with Urban Complexity
O4 - Let’s go local! – an open platform for mutual learning using a local case to address management challenges
O10 - Pathways to impact for ecosystem services in decisions
S5-(1) - Ecosystem services in business
T3 - Essential Ecosystem Variables
T7-(1) - Use of ES in trade-off assessment tools and other DSS
T12 - Governance of Ecosystem Services: Multiple actors at multiple levels of hybrid governance approaches – Who is in and why?
10 parallel (some continued from morning):
B1-(2) - Why Value Pelagic Ecosystem Services and Who Needs to Know. Habitats of special importance: Pelagic Ecosystem
B7-(2) - Boosting ecosystem services in rural landscapes: perspectives on actions and evidence
B8-(2) - Urban Ecosystem Services: Approaches, Tools, and Frameworks for Dealing with Urban Complexity
O0 - Cross cutting issues: use of ES to achieve development goals, sustainable tourism and environmental markets
O6 - Biodiversity Stewardship in South Africa
O9 - Finding strong and useful arguments – building bridges between research, politics and practice (for ESAV)
S5-(2) - Ecosystem services in business
T4b-(1) - T4b - Modeling and mapping ecosystem service capacity, flow and demand with data of varying quantity and quality
T8 - The role of ecosystem services in disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and sustainable development
T10 - Co-investment approaches at the landscape scale
Incl. flexible BREAK around 15:00
End: 16:45 to allow transition to poster session
Poster sessions
Meeting of chairs of Regional Chapters
and National Networks
11 November 2015
Field Trips
Departure and arrival time depend upon selected field trip.
12 November 2015
Day chair and 2 Keynotes
Gwarega Mangozhe:
Engaging the business sector: Ecosystem Services and the Consumer Goods Sector of South Africa
Sara Frazee:
Engaging the private sector in ecosystem services conservation and livelihood improvement: opportunities, challenges and lessons learned
Mostly organised by the ESP Working Groups:
B1-(3) - Major tools to model and quantify MCES: valuation versus mapping. What are we missing?
B4 - Ecosystem services in drylands across the world: current knowledge and future research agenda
S2a-(1) - Ecosystem services in agro-ecosystems: progress and prospects
S2b - Bio-energy and ecosystem services
S3-(1) - Indigenous and local communities and their ecosystems
S4-(1) - Ecosystem services and nature conservation
T4a-(1) - New techniques for mapping ecosystem services: solutions for instant use and direct application
T5-(1) - Modeling and scenario’s of ecosystem services for policy support and decision making
T6-(1) - Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services in science-policy-practice
T7-(2) - Use of ES in trade-off assessment tools and other DSS
Workshops (some continued from morning):
B3 - Multifunctional forest landscapes & Adapting Management and governance: The challenge to sustain multiple goods and services to mitigate climate change
S2a-(2) - Ecosystem services in agro-ecosystems: progress and prospects
S3-(2) - Indigenous and local communities and their ecosystems
S4-(2) - Ecosystem services and nature conservation
T4a-(2) - New techniques for mapping ecosystem services: solutions for instant use and direct application
T4b-(2) - Modeling and mapping ecosystem service capacity, flow and demand with data of varying quantity and quality
T5-(2) - Modeling and scenario’s of ecosystem services for policy support and decision making
T6-(2) - Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services in science-policy-practice
T9 - Ecosystem services to connect spatial planning and impact assessment approaches
T11 - Ecosystem accounting: Advances, Lessons learned, and Implications for Decision-Making
Incl. flexible BREAK around 15:00
End: 16:45 to allow transition to poster session
Poster sessions
Meeting of Asian ESP members
and National Network chairs
13 November 2015
Opening & 1 Keynote
Richard Cowling:
Why mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem services is like swimming upstream, and what can be done about it
Use of ES in policy & practice in (S.) Africa
Several presentations on examples, opportunities and constraints to use ES for conservation, livelihood and prosperity.
BREAK & Intermezzo
Panel discussion with morning speakers
Results from workshops and other sessions:
And recommendations to ESP.
Learning from others/ sharing experiences
Short talks and panel discussion with representatives from other world regions and international programs on role and way forward for ESP, including:
-Beate Jessel (BNF-on experiences in Germany),
-Jae Kyong Chun (National Nature Trust-NNT) S.Korea, and
-Frank Casey, USGS, USA (on experiences in US and link with ACES).
Final Keynote
Lorenzo Fioramonti:
‘What we talk about when we talk about….growth’
Closing Session
(& announcement of venue next ESP Conference(s))
ESP Conference 2015
Martine van
Martine van Weeldenconference@es-partnership.org
ESP Conference 2015ESP Conference 20150.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Spier Wine FarmSpier Wine FarmR310 Stellenbosch South Africa