Sessions overview
Below is an overview of all accepted conference sessions. Please click the titles to read the session descriptions.
The session IDs correspond to the existing ESP Working Groups structure: Biome (B), Sectoral (S) and Thematic (T) Working Groups and Regional Chapter (R). Also, Other (O) sessions that do not fall under the existing ESP Working Groups will be organised.
Links to the ESP Working Groups are included to show the linkages between the conference sessions and the ESP community in general.
B1a - Blue carbon ecosystems – accounting and advocating for nature-based solutions for sustainable coasts, K. Burkhard, et al.
B1b - Navigating tomorrow's seas through integrative ecosystem service assessments and decision-support tools, Y. Baulaz, et al.
B2 - Healing riverscapes: promoting nature-based solutions for conserving/restoring rivers, R. Badola, et al.
B7 - Harnessing local practices to tackle global challenges in high-latitude and high-altitude ecosystems M. Villoslada & B. Burkhard
S6 - Capitals Coalition Australia Hub, M. Van Weelden, et al. (Only invited speakers) (Further details will be provided later)
S9a - Breaking Down Barriers - Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge on Ecosystem Services into Natural Resource Management, Policy, Planning, S. Maynard, et al.
S9b - Developing Nature-based Solutions (NbS) incorporating Indigenous peoples and local communities’ perspectives, K. K. Sangha
T1b - The Pacific Islands’ Guide to Ecosystem and Socio-economic Resilience Analysis and Mapping (ESRAM), C. Fleming, et al. (Only invited speakers)
T2a – Harnessing Ecosystem Services for Climate-Resilient Agriculture and Inclusive Development, S. Zaddem & I. A. Houedji
T2b – Urban Nature in the Global South: Exploring challenges and opportunities in shaping sustainable pathways, N. Chongo, et al.
T2c - The IPBES Nexus Assessment: Bridging Single-Issue Silos through Integrated & Adaptive Decision-Making, E. Barrios, et al. (Only invited speakers)
T2d - Challenges on monitoring biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people, A. P. Turetta & A. Vári
T4 – From outer space to local ecosystem service mapping - harnessing state-of-the-art data, methods and tools on various spatio-temporal scales, B. Burkhard, et al.
T5a- Modeling ecosystem services flows and implications for nature-based solutions, K. Burkhard, et al.
T5b – Breaking Barriers: Generating Solutions for Transformational Land Use Change, N. van Schoten, et al. (Only invited speakers)
T7b – Making Nature Count: Global and local applications of monetary valuation for transformation to nature-inclusive decision-making, V. van 't Hoff, et al
T7c – Updating estimates of the global value of ecosystem services for the 2020’s, R. Costanza (Only invited speakers)
T9 – Urban ecosystems services and public health in a time of global warming, S. Zhang, et al.
T13 –From Interaction to Restoration: Pathways to Nature-Based Solutions through Cultural Ecosystem Service (CES) in the Carbon Era, Y. Dou, et al.
T14 – Nature's Benefits: Learn to play an ecosystem services card game, M. Russell, et al. (Only invited speakers)
T16 – Incentivizing investment for nature-based solutions in protected areas, M. Verma, et al.
T17 – Biodiversity related risks and opportunity's to the financial sector; A Public Private Partnership, M. Siebers, et al
T18 – Promoting Nature-Based Solutions for climate resilience: Identifying and overcoming social, institutional, cultural and financial barriers, I. Coninx, et al. (Only invited speakers)
R1 - Implementing ecosystem services into multi-scale practices: from assessment to the realization of ecological product value, X. Sun, et al.
R2 - Methods and practices of urban and regional ecological restoration and management, F. Li
R3 - Practice Cases of Nature-based Solutions in Global Protected Areas, J. Fu, et al.
R4 - Does a single swallow attract the storm? Community conservation initiatives in the Global South, A. Ramos-Franco & D. S. López-Cubillos
Other Sessions
O1 - Ecosystem Services Derived from Protected Areas - revealing their hidden value, S. Maynard, et al.
O2 - Scaling and financing Landscape Rehydration an Innovative, Australian Nature-based solution, C. Hall
O3 - Grant proposal, research writing and networking toolbox for ecosystem service researchers, O. Adeyemi, et al.
O5 - Ecosystem Services and NbS – From Local Wisdom towards Global Sustainability through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, J. Haas, et al.
O6- Local food as a carrier of ecosystem services: from local to global flows, M. Derek, et al.
O7 - Adaptive solutions to enhance positive synergies between forest and water ecosystems, Z. Lībiete, et al.
O8 - From macro to micro scale: study of ecosystem services with a view of plant functional trait, C. Su & J. Gong
O9 - Investing in Nature Now: How Australia's private land conservation sector is using finance to deliver for nature, S. Lynch (Only invited speakers)
O10 - Unlearning and relearning methods in climate change studies, J. Owino, et al.
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