Special symposium
Bottom up approach of Eco-health in Asia: A case of Mekong river basin in Cambodia
16 December, Thursday, 10:00-11:30 (GMT+9)
Relationship between Eco-health and ecosystem services should be discussed in our uncertain world. Especially, we would like to discuss how to apply local-oriented Eco-health including well-being tightly related with traditional livelihoods. We think such bottom up approach can contribute to attain planetary health. The symposium reports progress of a research project about Eco-health in Kratie province, Cambodia.
Keynote speaker :
Dr. Tomoya Akimichi
Human Life and the Ecosystem in Transition -The Lower Mekong Basin in Monsoon Asia
Other speakers :
10:00 – 10:20
A preliminary study on food customs in lower basin of the Mekong river, Cambodia
Dr. Yuzuru Utsunomiya
(Economics, Nagasaki University)
10:20 – 10:40
Relationship between food neophobia and eating habit of raw freshwater fish: a case of Mekong river basin in Kratie province, Cambodia
Dr. Takahiro Ota (Environmental science, Nagasaki University)
10:40 – 11:20: Panel discussion
Dr. Minoru Wada (NU)
Dr. Tomoya Akimichi (Keynote speaker)
Dr. Kasuhiko Moji (NU)
Dr. Yuzuru Utsunomiya (NU)
Dr. Takahiro Ota (NU)
Dr. Laymithuna Ngy (University of Kratie, Cambodia)
Professor Emeritus of Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto and National Museum of Ethnology (NME), Osaka, Japan
Mr. Tomoya AKIMICHI, D.Sc. is Professor Emeritus of Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, and National Museum of Ethnology (NME), Osaka, Japan.
At present, the author is director-general of Fujisan World Heritage Center, Yamanashi. Major academic concern is ecological anthropology, and ethno-biology, and has engaged in studies of maritime communities extensively in Oceania (Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea), Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia), and Ryukyu islands, Japan. Marine resource management, the common property regime, and ethno-ecology are particular interests. Also, traditional navigation and indigenous knowledge systems in Satawal, Caroline Islands, Micronesia was studied in 1980.
Regarding the research in the Mekong Basin, the author organized RIHN’s research project “A trans-disciplinary study in tropical Monsoon Asia”in 2004-2008, and conducted research in Lao PDR, Yunnan, China, and Thailand. See T. Akimichi ed. 2009 An Illustrated Eco-History in Mekong River Basin. White Lotus. The author published more than 300 articles and essays, and edited many books, journals, and newsletter.
More biographies of invited speakers will be announced.
ESP Asia 2021
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