This page provides information regarding the registration process. Please make sure to read this information carefully before proceeding to the registration form. Registration will be open soon. If you have any other registration questions, please contact
We advise all session hosts and accepted presenters to register in time so that they can be included in the program and ensure good time planning.
Proceed to the online registration form
Conference fee
ESP conference organisation puts great effort into making the conference affordable to a wide audience. We try to keep the registration fee as low as possible and consider membership status and income level.
To access the membership discount you need a discount code. All registered ESP members will receive an email with their discount code. If you register as a new member, the discount code will be mentioned in your confirmation email. Individual ESP membership is priced at only 50 euro per year, or 25 euro per year for students and low income members.
More information on how to use your discount code below.
Type of participants (explanation given below) |
ESP membership 6 |
Early Bird 5 |
Normal Fee |
Regular participant 1 |
Member |
€160 |
€190 |
Non-member |
€220 |
€265 |
Low-/middle income 2 |
Member |
€95 |
€115 |
Non-member | €140 | €170 | |
Student 3 |
Member |
€70 |
€85 |
Non-member | €100 | €120 | |
Day registration 4 |
Regular participant 1 | Member | €60 | €70 |
Non-member | €85 | €100 | |
Low-/middle income 2 | Member | €40 | €50 |
Non-member | €55 | €65 | |
Student 3 | Member | €25 | €30 |
Non-member | €40 | €50 | |
ARIES training 7 | |||
Conference participant | FREE | ||
Non-participant | €40 | ||
Non-participant, low-/middle income discount | €20 |
All fees are in EURO.
Which fee applies to my situation?
- Regular participants are all participants, except low-middle income, students and special delegates.
- Low-/Middle income countries are based on world bank classification: World Bank classification of Country groups. If you are part of this participant category you will be asked to provide a copy of your ID upon registration.
- Students must supply a valid student ID and provide a copy of proof of enrollment of their institution upon registration. Student ID’s are considered valid when they are issued by a university and for one of the following academic years 2021 or 2021/2022.
- Day registrations are available for each conference day (with a maximum per day) and possible throughout the entire registration period, also during the conference. Please indicate on which day you would like to participate upon registration.
- Early bird registration will end by 15th November.
- ESP members (both individual and institutional) are all those who pay a membership fee to the Ecosystem Services Partnership. Please ensure that your membership is valid and paid in full at the time of the conference.
Interested in becoming a member? Please sign up here. - ARIES training is a part of the program. This training class will take place on 14 December (Tuesday). If you are registered for the conference, you can join this training for free. You will be asked in the registration form to indicate your interest. If you are not joining the conference, you can register for the ARIES training separately for a fee.
If you are in doubt as to which fee is applicable to your situation, feel free to contact us.
How to use my discount code?
If you are a registered member you will receive a discount code via email. If you are a new member, you will receive your discount code in the membership confirmation email when you register.
In the registration form, first you will be asked select the type of participation - regular, lower/middle income or student. When you reach the Registration Fee Overview section further in the registration form, you will initially see the non-discounted fee. In that section, you will see the field 'Discount code (optional)'. This is where you can insert your discount code, and the correct fee for your situation will be applied.
Please be mindful, that there are several types of discounted fees, depending on participation type. In the case that your code is not producing the correct discounted fee (for example you are a student, but you have received the discount code for regular participant), please contact us at so we may provide you with the correct code.
In case you are a member, but you did not receive a discount code yet, or you can't find the email - please contact us at
If you would like to become a member, you can register here.
Additional Options
"ARIES (ARtificial Intelligence for Environment & Sustainability)" by ARIES team, Nagoya University and Tokyo University of Agriculture.
More training opportunities will be announced, please check the training page for more information.
Day registration
If you only plan to attend one day, we offer the option of day registration. In the Participant category section of the registration form, please select the Day registration and indicate the day you will attend. In case you would like to attend on two or more days, at the bottom of the form click the right blue button 'Submit and add an extra person' and fill out your form again, only changing the day of attendance. Please continue this procedure until you submitted all days you would like to attend on. Once you are done, click the left button 'Register and Pay'.
Cancellation and registration policy
Please read our cancellation and registration policy here.
Proceed to the online registration form
ESP Asia 2021
ESP Asia
ESP Asia 2021assistant@esp-asia.org
ESP Asia 2021ESP Asia 20210.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced