ESP Training
“ARIES (ARtificial Intelligence for Environment & Sustainability) ”
Date: 14th December 2021
Time: 15:30-17:30 (GMT+9)
Language: English
Venue: Online
Organized by: ARIES team, Nagoya University IMASS Hayashi Lab., Tokyo University of Agriculture
Person of Contact: K. Hayashi (maruhaya98—(at)
Link to ZOOM meeting
Meeting ID: 899 9724 5115
ARIES Masterclass
The training class of ARIES (Artificial Intelligence for Environment & Sustainability) will give the participants how the ARIES web system work for data and model integration through the semantic web, by providing a live demo showing how its web interface k.Explorer and ARIES for SEEA explorer work as well as showing how customized models work under k.Modeler.
The training class will be conducted by the ARIES team and k.LAB Japan member. No laptops will be required for this training. However, it is better for the participants to install k.Explorer and touch on it in advance.
After attending this class, the participants will gain enough knowledge and skills to use the ARIES existing data and models with k.Explorer. And they will understand the future possibility for the application of customized models. Software installation details as well as some suggested reading material will be informed to those registered to the class.
1. Introduce ARIES so that participants become familiar with the modelling framework.
2. Introduce k.Explorer and ARIES-SEEA so that participants can further explore and use the models by themselves during and after the masterclass.
3. Introduce the examples for making ecosystem service modelling and others by k.Modeler.
4. Provide a venue for future collaborations on ecosystem services modelling.
The session is open to all conference participants who have already registered for it. Due to the need to limit the total participant number, this has been limited to 100.
Chaired by Prof. H. Okazawa (Tokyo University of Agriculture)
- 15:30 - 15:40 - Welcome and Agenda for the Training
Prof. H. Okazawa (Tokyo University of Agriculture)
- 15:40 - 16:10 - Live showing of k.Explorer and k. Modeler
Ikerbasque Research Professor Ferdinando Villa (Basque Centre for Climate Change)
- 16:10 - 16:40 - Live training of existing models (Model 1; Model 2)
Ikerbasque Reseach Fellow Dr. Stefano Balbi (Basque Centre for Climate Change) Model 1 Live training – Carbon storage
Model 2 Live training – Recreation, Pollination
- 16:40-17:10- k. Modeler customized models
Prof. K.Hayashi(Nagoya University, IMASS)
Dr. Y.Yamazaki (Tokyo University of Agriculture)
Small-hydro power estimation, Solar panel, Air regulation, local carbon stock, crop model, etc.
- 17:10 - 17:25 - Q&A Session
- 17:25 - 17:30 – Closing
Prof. H. Okazawa (Tokyo University of Agriculture)
Training materials can be downloaded below.
How to install k.LABdocx20211214.pdf
ESP Asia 2021
ESP Asia
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