Day-by-day program
*The session program might still be subject to change.
**All times mentioned in the program and anywhere on this website are in JST - Japan Standart Time (GMT+9).
14 December 2021
ESP Training
“ARIES (ARtificial Intelligence for Environment & Sustainability) ”
Instructor: ARIES team, Nagoya University IMASS Hayashi Lab., Tokyo University of Agriculture
15 December 2021
Opening Ceremony
Keynote speech
Ecological restoration for planetary health
Prof. dr. Junguo Liu
Parallel sessions
T1 Ecosystem services assessment covering diverse beneficiaries to improve ES related policy
Host: T. Ota, et al.
T9c Health Promotion Meets Planetary Health: Insights from the Human Sciences
Host: G. Mohacsi, et al.
S9 Ecosystem services and Indigenous and local communities well-being
Host: K. Sangha, et al.
Parallel sessions
T1 Ecosystem services assessment covering diverse beneficiaries to improve ES related policy
Host: T. Ota, et al.
T9a Primary Health Care in Asia: A community-based healthcare system possibly most sustainable and closer to Planetary Health
Host: R. Ogasawara, et al.
B10: Sustainable urban planning and policy in the Global South: endorsing and mainstreaming ecosystem services from blue-green infrastructure
Host: D. Bhaskar, et al.
16 December 2021
Keynote speech
Human Life and the Ecosystem in Transition -The Lower Mekong Basin in Monsoon Asia"
Dr. Tomoya Akimichi
Special Symposium
"Bottom Up Approaches of eco-health in Asia: a case of Mekong River basin in Cambodia”
10:00 – 10:20
A preliminary study on food customs in lower basin of the Mekong river, Cambodia
Dr. Yuzuru Utsunomiya
(Economics, Nagasaki University)
10:20 – 10:40
Relationship between food neophobia and eating habit of raw freshwater fish: a case of Mekong river basin in Kratie province, Cambodia
Dr. Takahiro Ota (Environmental science, Nagasaki University)
10:40 – 11:20
Panel discussion
Moderator: Dr. Minoru Wada (NU)
Panelist: Dr. Tomoya Akimichi, Dr. Kazuhiko Moji (NU), Dr. Yuzuru Utsunomiya (NU), Dr. Takahiro Ota (NU), Dr. Laymithuna Ngy (University of Kratie, Cambodia)
ESP Asia Forum (T9b)
Gauging people’s sense of wellbeing from Eco-health perspectives in Asia”
Hosts: Minoru Wada and Namue Lee
Parallel sessions
T13 Stepwise ecological restoration for planetary health
Host: J. Liu, et al.
B3 Ecosystem services from tropical Asian ecosystems: status, change and impacts
Host: A. Gasparatos, et al.
T4 Using earth observation systems (EOS) to support ecosystem service assessments in forest landscapes, Host: M. Lippe, et al.
O2 Early-career researchers' perspectives: Challenges for eco-health
Host: N. Weins
17 December 2021
Keynote speech
Communicating the importance of nature to human health: the business model of Nature Service
Ms Kaoru Kikuchi
Parallel sessions
T6 Integration of traditional and modern bioproduction systems for a sustainable and resilient future,
Host: O. Saito, et al.
T8 Approaches for assessing cultural ecosystem services and their sustainability
Host: T. Matsuura, et al.
T16 Policies and practices in payments for ecosystem services in Asia – key challenges and opportunities
Host: T. Nguyen et al.
Keynote speech
Integrated landscape finance and investment for ecosystem services and ecosystem health
Dr. Beria Leimona
Plenary discussion:"A way forward"
Hosts: Namue Lee and Rudolf de Groot
List of speakers
- Tomoya Akimichi: Professor Emeritus of Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), and National Museum of Ethnology (NME); keynote speaker “Human Life and the Ecosystem in Transition -The Lower Mekong Basin in Monsoon Asia”.
- Kaoru Kikuchi: Deputy Editor-in-chief of "NATURES" media; keynote speaker” Communicating the importance of nature to human health: the business model of Nature Service”.
- Leimona Beria: Senior Expert Landscape Governance and Investment, World Agroforestry (ICRAF) Southeast Asia Regional Office. Keynote speaker ”Integrated landscape finance and investment for ecosystem services and ecosystem health “.
- Madhav Karki: Vice-Chair and Asia Focal Point, CEM/IUCN; Member of the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel(MEP), IPBES and Distinguished Fellow, Centre for Green Economy Development, Nepal. Participant Inter-Governmental Meeting
- Kamal Sangha: Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods, Charles Darwin University, host of session S9: Ecosystem services and Indigenous and local communities wellbeing
- Takahiro Ota: Associate Professor, Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Science, Nagasaki University; co-organiser and host of session T1: Ecosystem services assessment covering diverse beneficiaries to improve ES related policy.
- Shalini Dhyani: Senior Scientist, Water Technology and Management Division, CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur, INDIA; Co-host of session B10: Sustainable urban planning and policy in the Global South: endorsing and mainstreaming ecosystem services from blue-green infrastructure. Chair, IUCN CEM South Asia; Lead Author IPBES 2(b) Asia Pacific Assessment
- Minoru Wada: Professor, Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Science, Nagasaki University; chair of ESP Asia Forum and Special Issue on role of Ecosystem Services for eco-health in Asia
- Niklas Weins: University of Campinas, Brazil / Wageningen University Netherlands, co-host of session O2: Young Ecosystem Services Specialists (YESS) in Asia: Early-career researchers' perspectives on the assessment of Ecosystem Services.
Closing ceremony
ESP Asia 2021
ESP Asia
ESP Asia 2021assistant@esp-asia.org
ESP Asia 2021ESP Asia 20210.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced