ESP Asia Event Carbon Offset Fund Campaign: “Ansan, full of trees, not indus-trees”
“Whoever visiting Ansan feels like home in the woods. “Ansan, the city of human and nature diversity: that is I have been dreaming of and the vision of the future of Ansan in 15 years.” (the Mayor of Ansan, Je Jong-gil’s interview with Gyeong-In-Il-bo, Feb.17, 2015),
ESP and KESNet, the organizers of the conference are aware of carbon footprint left by holding international conferences. The fund raised from the Asia Conference Carbon Offsets Program during the conference will support the local carbon neutralization project ‘ESP Asia Forest’.
‘Daebu Wetland’, southern area facing the Shihwa Lake (one of the field trips) has been selected for this project. This first regional conference offers you the opportunity to donate $10.00 for an ‘event carbon offset’ through the registration form. Local NGOs will make equal match every time carbon offsets are purchased. A local partner NGO and National Nature Trust will plant trees in case there will be enough fund to do so. National Nature Trust will take care of this area for 20 years to come and the Carbon Offset Credit will be registered. Otherwise, we would like to purchase allowances from the Emission Trading System based on Korea’s Carbon ETS Act.
Please take part in fundraising campaign! Your support will turn ANSAN, the city of indus-trees, into a city of green-trees.
ESP S. Korea
Martine van
Martine van Weeldenconference@es-partnership.org
ESP S. KoreaESP S. Korea0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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