Day by Day Program
08 June 2022
Opening session (Room 1)
- Dolf de Groot (Chair ESP, The Netherlands)
- Charles Karangwa & Kaori Yasuda (International Union for Conservation of Nature, Rwanda)
- Patric Karera (Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment in Rwanda)
Keynotes (Room 1)
- B. Cyiza (Ministry of Environment in Rwanda)
- P. Katanisa (World Bank) - Ecosystem Accounting in Africa
Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions
- G4 - Early-career researchers engaging with NGOs and the private sector
to enhance the delivery of ecosystem services in Africa (Room 2) - T13b - Forest Landscape Restoration potentials to restore Ecosystem services (Room 3)
- S6 & T17 - Accounting for Ecosystem Services: (1) Policy support for protected areas and (2) Integrated capitals thinking to promote and support sustainable decision making in Africa. (Room 1)
Lunch Break
Parallel Sessions
- G2 - Gender, ecosystem services and human welfare (Room 2)
- T13b - Forest Landscape Restoration potentials to restore Ecosystem service (Room 3)
- S6 - Integrated capitals thinking to promote a sustainable and healthy agriculture & food sector & T17 - Accounting for ecosystem services: policy support for protected areas (Room 1)
Parellel Sessions
Poster Session
Welcome reception
09 June 2022
Day registration
Keynotes (Room 1)
- A. Cuni-Sanchez (Norwegian University of Life Sciences and honorary fellow at the University of York, UK) - Local perceptions of tropical forest ecosystem services, insights from Africa (30 min)
- T.H. Mwampamba (National Autonomous University of Mexico) - Where are the cultural, spiritual, and intrinsic values of nature in Africa’s discourses on ecosystem services? (30 min)
ESP Forum
Coffee Break
Lunch Break
Parallel Sessions
Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions
Conference Dinner
10 June 2022
Day registration
Keynotes (Room 1)
- B. Kaplin (Director Center of Excellence in Biodiversity & Natl Res Management (CoEB), Univ of Rwanda) - Ecosystem-based Adaptation experience in Rwanda (30 min)
- C. Karangwa (International Union for Conservation of Nature, Africa Region) - Enhancing Ecosystem functionality through payment for Ecosystem Services (30 min)
Parallel Sessions
- G1 - Open Topic session (Room 2)
- G3 - Landscape restoration and livelihoods enhancement through payment for ecosystem services- ongoing work in Sebeya catchment, under the embedding integrated water resources management in Rwanda project (Room 1)
- T8 - Neglected and underutilized plant species and the ecosystem services in the tropics: the role of local knowledge (Room 3)
Closing ceremony
Lunch break
Field trip at Sebeya river
All participants can participate in this field trip free of charge
ESP Africa 2021
ESP Africa
ESP Africa 2021conference@espconference.org
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To be announcedTo be announced