Poster sessions
We welcome all of you to join the poster session and guided poster tours!
There will be two identical and interactive poster sessions with guided poster tours on Tuesday and Thursday, leaving at 16:45. Tours are guided by a moderator who guides a group of conference participants past the posters and introduces quickly the poster presenters within the tour. Each poster presenter will have 2 to 3 minutes to present the poster, at the end of the tour there will be up to 15 minutes for joint questions and a moderated discussion.
The sessions will take place on Tuesday and Thursday starting at 16:45 and end at approximately 17:30. Two guided tours will be organised during this period:
Poster tours
Tour A
- A1: D. Sintayehu Ecosystem - disease relationships: Biodiversity affects bovine tuberculosis (bTB) risk in Ethiopian cattle: Prospects for Infectious Disease Control as a tool for food security
- A2: P. Wangai - Mapping land use potential for ecosystem services supply in data-scarce peri-urban landscapes: A case of Nairobi-Kiambu transection, Kenya
- A3: G. Puri - Ethno-Geographical Relation to Wildlife Crime in Nepal: Analysis of Case Reported in National Print Media
- A4: C. Kouame - Land use change and farmer’s perceptions of deforestation and land degradation: A case study in the South-West Region of Côte d’Ivoire
- A5: J. Koge - Multi-dimensional impacts of tropical forage technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa: A meta-analysis
Tour B
- B1: J. Soh Tchekounteu - Reduction of emission from deforestation, degradation of forests in Kenya
- B2: P. Choungo Socioeconomic and ecologic potentialities of a multipurpose specie: Tetracarpidium Conophorum (Mull.Arg) Hutch. & Dalz. (Euphorbiaceae) in Cameroon
- B3: X. Wang How can PES as a tool of trans-boundary water management applied to a community of farmers change water and land use? A case study from the Okavango River Basin of southern Africa
- B4: P. Donwa Environmental sustainability, eco-system safety and community agitations: implications for industrial regulation
- B5: R. Blanchard Multi-dimensional impacts of tropical forage technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa: A meta-analysis
African ESP Conference 2016
Martine van
Martine van Weeldenconference@es-partnership.org
African ESP Conference 2016African ESP Conference 20160.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Spier Wine FarmSpier Wine FarmR310 Stellenbosch South Africa