ESP regional conference
Europe 2018
As the threats of climate change are becoming more noticeable, the importance of ecosystem services and natural capital as our ’life insurance’ is gaining more acknowledgement inside and outside of the academic world. The contributions of ecosystems to human wellbeing are essential but our understanding of ecosystem functions and services is still incomplete and mostly theoretical, whereas the demand from both policy makers and practitioners for guidance on how to implement ecosystem services thinking is growing. Implementation of the ecosystem services concept into everyday decision making and practice is crucial to achieve the societal and economic paradigm shift needed for the transition to a more sustainable society, safeguarding biodiversity and restoring natural ecosystems. To accelerate this transition the ESP Regional Europe conference 2018 was organised under the theme: ‘Ecosystem services in a changing world: moving from theory to practice’.
Around 450 delegates participated in this conference and join the keynote speeches selected around this theme, attended the over 40 break-out sessions, and listened to several of the more than 400 presentations, took part in the business day which included a market place and business oriented session, and made use of the network opportunities. This conference welcomed anyone interested in ecosystem services, but especially focussed on the science-policy-practice nexus and uptake within Europe.
The ESP Europe Regional Conference was part of the bi-annual cycle of ESP regional conferences around the globe. ESP conferences are open to both ESP members and non-members. ESP members receive significant reductions to the conference registration fee and other benefits, however. ESP conferences are structured around the themes of the many ESP Working Groups.
- Location: San Sebastián, Spain
- Date: 15-19 October 2018
- Venue: Kursaal Congress Centre and Auditorium
- Theme: Ecosystem services in a changing world: moving from theory to practice
We are happy to announce that ESP Europe conference was a success and we hope you enjoyed it and gained lots of insights and experience. Below we provide you with some last conference announcements:
Keynote Presentations
During the week, five keynotes provided the remarkable and inspirational speeches. Their presentations can be viewed here.
Conference proceedings
Please check the conference proceedings for all collected presentations and outcomes. If your presentation is not included in the sessions, but you would like us to upload it, or if you wouldn't like your presentation uploaded on the website, please contact us at with the session name.
Conference pictures
Please check out the conference pictures taken during the ESP Europe Conference. One of the conference participants shared some photo on his blog. You can find the pictures here.
CO2 compensation
The CO2 compensation units were collected and total of €790 was handed to Forest for the future in the Basque country (Fundación Lurgaia). Thank you all for supporting the local environmental project.
Please subscribe to our ESP Update to remain informed regarding the conference developments. Become an ESP member now!
ESP EU 2018
Martine van
Martine van Weeldenconference@es-partnership.org
ESP EU 2018ESP EU 20180.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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