CO2 compensation
The African ESP Conference organizing committee took into account sustainability and CO2 emissions in the decision making process. We received voluntary contribution from some of the conference participants to offset our CO2 emissions slightly.
We selected a local project that was related to the theme of the African ESP Conference, "Ecosystem services for SDGs in Africa". We received a total of $60 from the contributions which was donated to NDEKA project.
Ndakaini Dam Environmental Conservation Association (NDEKA)
Ndakaini Dam Environmental Conservation Association was formed in 2003. This is a local project working on environmental conservation and livelihoods. The CBO is located in Muranga County, Gatanga Sub County, Kigoro Division, Ndakaini location. It has a membership of 1057 community members, both men and women. It has has 30 active groups under it.
The NDEKA project has been selected for this purpose. The main objective of the local project is to support sustainable supply of safe water to the Ndakaini Dam through conservation of the catchment area and empowerment of the local community to develop viable socio-economic enterprises. The organization is managed by a committee of 11 members who are representatives of the community elected once every two years. The organization has 5 staff members.
Based on demographics of the area, Ndakaini stands at an altitude of 2,040 feet above sea level and has a hilly terrain. The main economic activity of the local population is farming. The main cash crop grown is tea, though farmers engage in mixed farming. The population estimate is 13,000. Other activities practised by the communities in the area include: goat rearing, fish farming, apiculture, agroforestry, fruit farming and cottage industry.
Some of the conservation and community empowerment efforts include:
- Creating awareness on environmental conservation by conducting 12 Ndakaini Half Marathon’s since inception with participation growing from 200 in 2004 to 4,000 in 2015.
- Sports for nature; nurturing talent and raising environmental awareness among secondary school students through EKADEN secondary schools relay marathon. These schools are enrolled into green school intitiative where they have established environmental clubs, mini-arboretums, and proper waste disposal mechanisms for solid waste.
- Tree planting and creation of riparian buffer zones along the dam boundaries and demarcated lands within Ndakaini Dam land.
- Establishment and management of tree nuseries.
- Bamboo propagation and planting along riverlines and dam shorelines.
- Livelihoods and food security improvement through farmer field day trainings, demonstration plots and appropriate agricultural practices.
- Cottage industries, value addition of bamboo products and basketry.
African ESP Conference 2016
Martine van
Martine van Weeldenconference@es-partnership.org
African ESP Conference 2016African ESP Conference 20160.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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